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today was great:

- when I went off to work at 6am the sun was already up and the town was glowing, 'cause of the raining last night.

- a girl I met once or twice on the train turned out to join my class by this week.

- ate tons of garlic in school (nutrition class)

- finally bought SAW 85-92 digitally remastered

- signed a new mobile-contract while breathing massive amounts of garlic at the salesman

- cooked a nice bolognese

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Guest Rambo

This is probably going to sound a bit extreme but fuck it, it's the internet etc. Get drunk on wine or whiskey and then torture defenseless animals. That look in their eyes, it's like i gain their power, it's spiritual. I say so much weird shit when i'm doing this, it's like i'm evolving; when it's over i feel older if that makes sense - more mature sexually.


So i'm kissing and stabbing a ferret and i feel immortal, then after a while it gets sexual and that's when i film myself kissing my furniture and singing. It's like i'm god.


Either this or moving abroad. If you can't stand blood/furniture move to a warmer climate.

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i saw a woman with a ferret on a lead, buying sausages in central amsterdam on saturday. it looked so happy

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Guest Iain C

I saw a middle-aged couple getting off a train here at Charlton station a little while ago, each one had a little white ferret lovingly swaddled in their jacket. They looked as pleased, if not moreso, than the unbeferreted passengers.

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fuck the shallow quest for euphoria, start to live instead.. then you will experience true euphoria


If I stop my shallow quest for euphoria so I can live life instead so I can experience true euphoria then I will essentially be back on a shallow quest for euphoria.




whatever he was being, it wasnt right


i'm getting insulted by the two biggest tools of watmm, how delightful


What is your main belief system in life?

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Guest chax
Ive started jogging recently. I can't sprint for 5 minutes. Your instructions are for someone already into jogging for a while. If you are new you can't do this. You need to start slow and build up strength.


just start sprinting for as long as you can. it might be two minutes, it might be one minute, but just go all out extreme. when you can't go anymore it's very important to continue to jog DO NOT start walking or just suddenly stop moving. you'll definitely be screaming, and might feel like you're dying, but it's 100% worth it to get that euphoric feeling.

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Ive started jogging recently. I can't sprint for 5 minutes. Your instructions are for someone already into jogging for a while. If you are new you can't do this. You need to start slow and build up strength.


just start sprinting for as long as you can. it might be two minutes, it might be one minute, but just go all out extreme. when you can't go anymore it's very important to continue to jog DO NOT start walking or just suddenly stop moving. you'll definitely be screaming, and might feel like you're dying, but it's 100% worth it to get that euphoric feeling.


and then feelnig like you're going to die/vomit for the next 10-30 minutes

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