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Tree Farms are IDM


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So I've spent 41.25 hours at a tree farm this past week putting little baby trees in little rubber "clips" at an average speed of one per second and a half traveling at a speed of about a tenth of a mile per hour in a cramped transplanter listening to Bibio and BoC and the stream of unintelligible gibberish of Spanish coming from my Hispanic co-workers (we could communicate better, but both their and my French suck) in the middle of prime farming country where you can find agates and arrowheads and shit. I met a guy you guys would love, he's missing like eight teeth and quit AA because he realized that at a certain point it's your own responsibility to make your life worth not drinking.


I don't know if this is interesting or not, and I couldn't give less of a shit; I'm drunk. I poured one out for abusivegeorge*.









*we are friends now; I've shared my booze with you in spirit.



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awesome. I need a job like this.


how do you know when the trees are ripe for harvest


also where do you work that requires you to speak french in the US?

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awesome. I need a job like this.


how do you know when the trees are ripe for harvest


also where do you work that requires you to speak french in the US?


They harvest trees by season.


By the crack about speaking French I meant we understand each other rather poorly.


i did a rubiks cube on the toilet the other day, I thought that was pretty IDM



Did it rip your asshole on the way out?

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Does working at a tree farm drive you to drinking?


I had a job hanging drywall once, which drove me to that.


The revelation of how with drinking, one becomes drunk, drove me to drinking.


Working on a tree farm drives one to set forest fires. Or murder obnoxious, filibustering, self-absorbed, "fertilization" obsessed coworkers.

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I forgot to mention that in order to get this job, I went to a temp agency, which has been the weirdest experience I have ever had in looking for employment. I never had an interview, and I never had a training period (not that "Put the trees in the rubber clips" required much more explanation). One of the temp secretaries is an absolute bitch, though. Our carpool driver has been tailgating and taking his time, so another guy from the temp agency and I asked if we could carpool separately, and I told the sec's that I was pretty nervous riding with a speeding, tailgating driver. They told me he had no prior accidents, which I thought would be sufficient and I told them it wasn't necessary to talk with him about it. But I'm pretty sure that sec' told the driver about it, because today he was waiting for us to get in the van instead of lighting another cigarette, and he was driving pretty close to the speed limit, and he was playing the Christian radio station, and he seemed pretty ticked that I was still breathing.

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Guest hahathhat
I forgot to mention that in order to get this job, I went to a temp agency, which has been the weirdest experience I have ever had in looking for employment. I never had an interview, and I never had a training period (not that "Put the trees in the rubber clips" required much more explanation). One of the temp secretaries is an absolute bitch, though. Our carpool driver has been tailgating and taking his time, so another guy from the temp agency and I asked if we could carpool separately, and I told the sec's that I was pretty nervous riding with a speeding, tailgating driver. They told me he had no prior accidents, which I thought would be sufficient and I told them it wasn't necessary to talk with him about it. But I'm pretty sure that sec' told the driver about it, because today he was waiting for us to get in the van instead of lighting another cigarette, and he was driving pretty close to the speed limit, and he was playing the Christian radio station, and he seemed pretty ticked that I was still breathing.


develop tourettes that only kicks in over 60 mph

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develop tourettes that only kicks in over 60 mph


I think I'm going to ask the driver if the sec' said something, and if she did, flip some shit in her direction.


"Rhinoplasty, bitch; look into it. Keep your nose out of my business."

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still no pics? ugh


I took a couple today . . . it's not nearly as nice where we are working now.  The hemlock lots are surrounded by forest, but the fir lots look like someone planted a desert in the middle of the forest.  I was planning on taking some video clips and photos of the area and make a sort of music video of the place.

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Does working at a tree farm drive you to drinking?


I had a job hanging drywall once, which drove me to that.






sounds like a fun job 36! tell that toothless guy i said 'word up'

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that toothless guy


He's not completely toothless, he's just missing some bicuspids and molars, but he's really damn funny to listen to.  He was talking last week about his hot Asian dentist that wouldn't put out for him unless he went to Tuscon or some damn place.  He said,


"Maybe I would have considered it if she had let me bang her in the back room, but noooo . . . "




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