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fucking prop 8


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Guest catsonearth

complete and utter bullshit. as if you need any more proof that this country's supposed ideals are just a sham.

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On the bright side, almost all of New England approves of gay marriage now.


Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut all approve. Plus Iowa, which is just bizarre. New Hampshire will probably follow suit eventually.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

i don't really understand why the voters got to decide on this in the first place. why not ask them if we should sacrafice jews? to ask them and they say 'no'. to then turn around and say actually thats illegal seems bizarre (obv that didnt happen though)

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Guest catsonearth
On the bright side, almost all of New England approves of gay marriage now.


Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut all approve. Plus Iowa, which is just bizarre. New Hampshire will probably follow suit eventually.


yea, until it becomes widely known that religious groups can author amendments to state constitutions to allow discrimination by legal means. i'm happy that a lot of states are officially recognizing it, but prop 8 threatens the progress in those states as well. as soon as it becomes president the same thing could happen across the country and then the whole issue of civil rights and equality is put at risk.


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Guest catsonearth
i don't really understand why the voters got to decide on this in the first place. why not ask them if we should sacrafice jews? to ask them and they say 'no'. to then turn around and say actually thats illegal seems bizarre (obv that didnt happen though)


exactly. it shouldn't have even been allowed to go to a vote. anyone with half a brain can see the implications and see straight away that it's unconstitutional. you can't single out groups and deny them access to certain rights because you don't like something innate about them. it's as simple as that.

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Guest Al Hounos

wow, what a black eye for California. I was about 90% sure this would be overturned. incredible. IOWA and MAINE are more progressive than the so-called west coast liberal haven.





seriously california is without question the GAYEST STATE. WTF???

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Guest theSun

yeah wtf the churches must be pumping millions into this making it their own little propaganda war.

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yeah wtf the churches must be pumping millions into this making it their own little propaganda war.


I think there was a record amount of out of state funds that were raised by churches, and put into ads etc in california.


fucked up.


there should be allow about out of state funding for state related issues.

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