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Hunz - Thoughts That Move


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I have nothing to do with this album other than the fact that I like it, and I think other WATMMS might too.


Hunz is a guy from Aus who makes music that is electronic, but also poppy. He sings words and sounds kind of like Thom Yorke.


His new album was done in February as part of the RPM Challenge (which is how I found out about it), and I don't mean to brag or anything but ME AND HUNZ ARE NOW FRIENDS. Well, on Twitter.


I am really into this album, and it is free. And you might enjoy it. Here is a uniform resource locator:


Hunz Music


From what I gather this album was recorded ENTIRELY?! within Renoise, and the actual Renoise session files are up there to peruse, shake your fist at (me), and/or fuck with.


This album is produced really well, CONTENT-RICH, and JAM PACKED with hooks and melodies. Those are some of the reasons I like it.




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