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Breakfast at Sulimay's

Guest chax

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lol braintree is a nice guy.

But just using parallel thirds doesn't make up harmony.


You're a solid guy, too. But I'm talking about 90% of music, not obscure Schönberg theory, or serial music.


only a fag from berklee would scan his degree and post it on an internet message board to 'win' an argument.


hoooly shit.


Google images.

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lol braintree is a nice guy.

But just using parallel thirds doesn't make up harmony.


You're a solid guy, too. But I'm talking about 90% of music, not obscure Schönberg theory, or serial music.



I was saying that you're not a Berklee fag.lol

Jazz uses lots harmony not built on parallel thirds. Lots of popular Russian classical music uses harmony not built on parallel thirds. Hell lots of Baroque music uses harmony not built on parallel thirds.



And yes the show is neat, so kudos to the thread starter. Sorry for the hijacking.

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i'm pretty sure he's not saying that harmony is based on parallel thirds. braintree, are you saying that you could consider any harmony line a melody, whether it's part of a monophonic composition or not?



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Guest elliot

props to thread starter!


p.s just curious braintree how extensive did your knowledge of musical theory have to be to obtain that degree(no underlying point here)

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i'm pretty sure he's not saying that harmony is based on parallel thirds. braintree, are you saying that you could consider any harmony line a melody, whether it's part of a monophonic composition or not?




I'm not using the word "harmony" to be synonymous with "music theory."


I'm not saying harmony is based on thirds*, I'm saying that most harmony is just a bunch of melodies playing at the same time. They don't have to be good melodies, but they can be considered melodies nonetheless. The aforementioned example of the melody in thirds is just a simplistic way of explaining the idea of counterpoint. Which means "to point against" or "in the other direction" if you really want to break down the word. There are no universal rules for counterpoint, it changes with the era. I mean, back in the baroque era, the use of tritones and fourths were banned in western music. You hear them all the time now. A lot of metal is based on the diminished 5th.


I understand that music theory is not just 12 notes. Microtonal music's tuning is much different therefore the musical possibilities can be much different. Eastern theory behaves differently, as does Indian and Middle Eastern music.


Anyhow, harmony is something that happens vertically. You stack tones upon one another. Melodies happen horizontally, meaning they evolve over time. When you stack two melodies together, they form harmonies. Ta da. Counterpoint.


*[aside: in counterpoint, "parallel thirds" means that you've written two parts that exceed the amount of times you should write two parts that are a third apart, which depends on the style for which you're writing. Example: baroque, classical, romantic, etc].


props to thread starter!


p.s just curious braintree how extensive did your knowledge of musical theory have to be to obtain that degree(no underlying point here)


I had to understand it pretty well to graduate. I have to understand it pretty well to write the music I do.

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thanks, I know the rules of harmony pretty well.

Harmony equals chord changes and the notes you can play over those chords depends on what rules you're following; harmony does not equal a bunch of melodies is the point I was trying to make. BUt yeah maybe I'm trying to make it too complicated. Whatever, I bow to the berklee dude.


Aside: you can use parallel thirds for passing. You should avoid parallel fourths/fifths as much as possible.


Thanks for the sexual ambiguity check ieafs.


Aside 2: i still quite like this track from AC...it reminds me of the Panda Bear stuff which I really liked...

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but anyway, not partcularly liking that track doesn't mean one doesn't like harmony and counterpoint :confused:

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but anyway, not partcularly liking that track doesn't mean one doesn't like harmony and counterpoint :confused:


I know, I was just being snarky :wink:

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I had never heard of Snarky Puppy before. lol I just wanted a music search result with snarky involved. I like this little jam. The drummer is hot (sound quality is shit though...)

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