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crusty pubes


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Guest maantecaaa!!!
onsidered it TMI and relented.


I feel weirder for feeling compelled to sit there and pull them out than for having them in the first place.



I've had friends tell me that shaving the nuts is awesome. I'm concerned that it will feel prickly when they grow back.

Any feedback?


Yeah maybe a little prickly, but the incidents of batwings will go way up.


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so are you using normal soap? probably what's causing it


why won't you answer my soap question


I am using normal soap. I haven't really used shampoo or conditioner in years... due to the fact I am bald.



Nothing personal.

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well, showel gel is basically shampoo i think, so use that. you probably have hair everywhere else too? so use shower gel everywhere, and normal soap on your head.

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Guest melotronic

i shower at least once a day... my missus found a couple of weed stalks in my bush the other night... *facepalm*

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