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J3FF3R00 last won the day on August 11 2023

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    souvenirs / novelties / party tricks

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  1. It’s pretty great. So is S2. @beerwolf I started watching ep1 of ROP2 last night on your recommendation! It’s definitely better than s1. The recap at the beginning was basically “shit… shit… shit… shit… more shit”. Then when the show actually started it was like “why the fuck did we need that first season at all??? This is where they should have started.” I guess they really wanted to tease out the whole “Gandalf?” thing and then the whole Sauron thing but fuck me if a whole season of pure tease is just the dumbest shit I can imagine. Anyway, I’ll be checking the rest of this out, even if there’s still some wonky writing / character stuff, which there definitely is. At least we have more orcs, so far.
  2. I guess he wouldn’t be that weird if I and everyone I knew was a bigoted, narcissistic asshole.
  3. !!! Thank goodness. That first season was a complete waste of time. The trailer looks like it’s finally getting to the meaty bits. Looking forward to having a show to watch, again. I’m not proud to say but I just finished the last episode of Donnie Wahlberg’s “Very Scary People” true crime show. Been scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to find something creepy to watch on the reg for months now. … oh, I am also rewatching S2 of The Wire. Much better than I remembered it, actually.
  4. I really wanted to like this but found if excruciating. Almost every shot is an hand-held, extreme close up (far too many of which were of people’s mouths chewing food loudly, for some godforsaken reason) and the editing is super fast. It feels like the director was trying to do their version of some late 60s Hollywood New Wave film but without a narrative reason for employing all of these “experimental” film techniques. Tonally, it was a bit like the graduate meets Harold and Maude meets a casavettes movie but only as a perverted emulation/imitation. the script would have been interesting without all of the nonsensical formal choices except the characters made zero sense. I knew 5 minutes in that this movie was going to make me angry and I stuck with it (nearly suffering an anxiety attack), against my better judgement, and the film never got better. Visually, looked like total shit, as well. Apparently it was shot on 16mm (again, probably to emulate some 60s movie), but it was poorly lit, resulting in a very low budget, 1990s student-film quality, in a bad way. This film surprisingly has a very good score on rotten tomatoes. All of those critics are out of their minds. I should have seen Alien: Romulus but my wife wanted to see this one. She hated it, too.
  5. Amazing! Such tasty bangers. Is that a picture of Andy Jenkinson at 0:17? Can’t believe it looks like 20-30 people, maybe, max?
  6. This was meh. Nic Cage was highly entertaining (surprise surprise) but the rest was a bit slow and boring. The big problem was that the lead actress was very one-note / blah. Didn’t buy that she was FBI for a second. I do find current Nic Cage’s strategy of saying yes to just about any crazy character as entertaining as the roles themselves. I’m pretty sure that he gets his name attached to get a movie into production that otherwise wouldn’t get made so that if it makes a little cash he gets some off the top. Sorry but without him this movie is a total dud. Edit: It didn’t help that three teenagers movie-hopped into the theater about 10 minutes in and proceeded to cough loudly, laugh, shine flashlights, make animal sounds and take flash photos of the screen, throughout. I ratted them out to security who asked me if they had tickets! Wtf?? Dude. That’s your job, not mine. I said “I have no idea” so he just came in for a stroll and left, doing absolutely zero. The kids started up again for 20 more minutes or so so I had to go out again but this time I told a custodian lady who got the job done and the kids were ejected. I almost asked for my money back.
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