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i'm not sure what to make of this. it's obviously a black-metal fan's interpretation of vikings. not authenticity. mainly impressions. the cinematography is really rudimentary, amateur. camerawork pretty poor, textbook framing. some nice ambiances though. burzum's instrumentals really work with landscape shots.


who the hell would want to release this in public??

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i'm not sure what to make of this. it's obviously a black-metal fan's interpretation of vikings. not authenticity. mainly impressions. the cinematography is really rudimentary, amateur. camerawork pretty poor, textbook framing. some nice ambiances though. burzum's instrumentals really work with landscape shots.


who the hell would want to release this in public??


I read an interview with the actor/writer/director/editor/etc. He apparently is 30 years old, went to Bard and shot this all on his family's property in Vermont.

Considering it was shot on Mini DV, I think it looks pretty good. He did the whole thing with no budget. Even though it is obviously rough around the edges, you have to hand it to him... he got the fucker done, got a limited release and DVD distribution. Not too bad... but not too good either.


My favorite part was when you get to see a close-up of his shit coming out of his ass.

He then wipes with leaves... Viking style.

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Guest ezkerraldean

why do metalheads always bone vikings? vikings blatantly would have thought metal was shit




on that note though, viking metal (tyr etc.) is pretty awesome

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i'm not sure what to make of this. it's obviously a black-metal fan's interpretation of vikings. not authenticity. mainly impressions. the cinematography is really rudimentary, amateur. camerawork pretty poor, textbook framing. some nice ambiances though. burzum's instrumentals really work with landscape shots.


who the hell would want to release this in public??


I read an interview with the actor/writer/director/editor/etc. He apparently is 30 years old, went to Bard and shot this all on his family's property in Vermont.

Considering it was shot on Mini DV, I think it looks pretty good. He did the whole thing with no budget. Even though it is obviously rough around the edges, you have to hand it to him... he got the fucker done, got a limited release and DVD distribution. Not too bad... but not too good either.


My favorite part was when you get to see a close-up of his shit coming out of his ass.

He then wipes with leaves... Viking style.

okay, i gotta hand it to him - he got the fucker done.


the shitting scene... funny thing is - just moments before that, i started uttering something like "you know, i'm starting to imagine how this could turn into a movie soon" to my brother, but my thought was interrupted by shitting. then i decided i'll wait a bit more with that verdict.


so, in the end, after a night's sleep - it is a bit like a movie. but a big disappointment.

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Guest my usernames always really suck

are these the people essines is descended from?


that would be a tribe known as the Village People

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