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I was watching TV today and there was an add for some shit local restaraunt. They talked about chilli peppers and Capsaicin. Until this day I thought it was some name for some character or something... hell I dunno.


What I do know is:

Capsaicin is present in large quantities in the placental tissue(which holds the seeds), the internal membranes and, to a lesserextent, the other fleshy parts of the fruits of plants in the genus Capsicum.Contrary to popular belief, the seeds themselves do not produce anycapsaicin, although the highest concentration of capsaicin can be foundin the white pith around the seeds.[8]


The seeds of Capsicum plants are predominantly dispersed by birds.Birds do not have the receptor to which capsaicin binds, so it does notfunction as an irritant for them. Chili pepper seeds consumed by birdspass through the digestive tract and can germinate later, but mammalshave molars,which destroy seeds and prevent them from germinating. Thus, naturalselection may have led to increasing capsaicin production because itmakes the plant less likely to be eaten by animals that do not help itreproduce. However, there is evidence that capsaicin first evolved asan anti-fungal agent.[1]


In 2006 it was discovered that tarantula venomactivates the same pathway of pain as is activated by capsaicin, thefirst demonstrated case of such a shared pathway in both plant andanimal anti-mammal defense.[9]


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+ i tried supa pure style once ... was a touch of acknowledgement then .. ar shit .. then straight to the chilli detestivals bathrooms for much and many waters for my burning mouthparts ..

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