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Guest Dirty Protest

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Guest Dirty Protest

I found myself in pissed in West Acton very early on Sunday morning and was told that Wasps training pitch was beside us. Where I come from at the mention of a rugby pitch the immediate thought is magic mushrooms, so i went in and there wasnt a fungus in sight. So does anyone know where I can find psilocybin mushrooms in London? I googled but all I got was a bunch of stores selling dried up Mexican shit.

If anyone else would like to add places round Britain where they grow when I have time i'll set up a data base using goole maps, it seems wrong that this kind resource doesnt exsist.

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I can't imagine you'll find 'em anywhere around here, from what I hear they like to grow on hillsides and elevated areas and the only places like that I can think of are the parks, which probably have too much foot/dog/etc. traffic to let 'em grow undisturbed. If anybody knows somewhere, they're probably going to keep the secret to themselves!

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Guest Dirty Protest

Cheers, it should help, where theres fungus theres fungus. A lifetime ago I went on a fungus weekend course and the dude taking it was being paid by some government body to isolate something in magic mushrooms that didnt exsist in others, so that they could then killed them off , I hope he massively fails at his job. Other weekend courses ive taken are bee keeping, flower arranging and tree identifiction at night, where we had to smell and taste the bark and leaves of native trees at about 2 in the morning, quite possibly the worst super power ever.

Where I come they literally grow everywhere, but rugby pitches are best because the grass is kept short and you can pick nice small 1/2 day mushrooms. Theres another wild field I used to pick them were they would grow about knee hight, eating them was a misery.

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I've never been picking, way back when I was 16 a friend from Ireland posted me some dried liberty caps and every subsequent time I've taken them they've been bought from headshops back when fresh mushrooms were still legal. I had a really bad experience which more or less put me off them for life. I'm done with acid too. I'm basically too uptight and neurotic for hallucinogenic drugs, although the "mystical headshop" in Stratford shopping centre has peyote and san pedro in the window, which are very tempting...


I originally come from the Fens, spirit-level flat. Nothing grows there without industrial quantities of chemical fertilisers.

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Guest Dirty Protest

Hamstead Heath keeps popping up on that site, might take a trip up at the weekend. If I find any i'll post you some as a finders fee =)

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I'm done with acid too.

i'm thinking the same thing. it doesn't help though that:

1. i have a pretty much constant supply of it,

2. i love escapism/hallucinating, and

3. i am highly interested in the creation of and listening to psychedelic music.

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