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"Elastic Space" - This beat is from the future.

Guest Alex0112

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Guest Alex0112

Not really sure how I would describe this new song....skittery hip hop beats, fat bass and bubbly darting synths with wonderful washes of ambience.


Fans of Flying Lotus and/or Prefuse 73 would probably enjoy this.






Here it is for all you lazy asses who don't want to click on a link:


Listen up!

Elastic Space Final.mp3

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tune was quite nice. the excessive panning was annoying though and half way through it sounds crap when everything is getting forced out of the mix by the subby hits. just sounds like the volume control is fucked on my amp. and having read "this beat is from the future" and "maybe too ahead of its time" i was expecting something a lot more futuristic where as this doesn't sound very new to me, so yeah, that was a bit of a misnomer.

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Guest Alex0112

tune was quite nice. the excessive panning was annoying though and half way through it sounds crap when everything is getting forced out of the mix by the subby hits. just sounds like the volume control is fucked on my amp. and having read "this beat is from the future" and "maybe too ahead of its time" i was expecting something a lot more futuristic where as this doesn't sound very new to me, so yeah, that was a bit of a misnomer.


I actually did that side-chaining on purpose- to kind of give the track a breathing feel. But several people have told me they don't like it. I may go back in and work on it.


I was just trying to get people's attention with the whole "this beat is from the future"- I make music, I'm not an expert in marketing. I know it's not anything extremely revolutionary.


But hey- thanks for the feedback!

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Guest ryanmcallister

it's really got that jneiro jarel sound to it with the pumping. i understand how it's intentional, i also understand how it can be a very acquired taste for a lot of people, just like how some people love jneiro and some people absolutely hate him.

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Guest ryanmcallister

ya...and there's a fine line between hyping yourself and turning people off due to cockyness, and "probably ahead of it's time" sounds pretty cocky lol.

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Guest Glass Plate

I'm a fan of Side chaining some times, but this side chaining falls flat


this is totally weak in comparison to Fly Lo or Prefuse 73, way more trip-hop or downtempo like to me.

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Guest Alex0112

I'm a fan of Side chaining some times, but this side chaining falls flat


this is totally weak in comparison to Fly Lo or Prefuse 73, way more trip-hop or downtempo like to me.


Any constructive criticism? How is it "totally weak"?

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I'm a fan of Side chaining some times, but this side chaining falls flat


this is totally weak in comparison to Fly Lo or Prefuse 73, way more trip-hop or downtempo like to me.


Any constructive criticism? How is it "totally weak"?



maybe because it sounds crap?

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Guest Alex0112

I'm a fan of Side chaining some times, but this side chaining falls flat


this is totally weak in comparison to Fly Lo or Prefuse 73, way more trip-hop or downtempo like to me.


Any constructive criticism? How is it "totally weak"?



maybe because it sounds crap?


What the fuck are you talking about? Didn't you say the tune was "quite nice"? At least you gave me constructive criticism earlier...that's all I ask. I don't mind if people don't care for the track- I'd just like to know why. No need to be a dick.


Edit: Were you talking about the side-chaining sounding like crap? If so- yeah I guess its not executed the best. Should I take it out all together? Cause now the bass is side chained to the master track- maybe I could just side chain it to the pads and it would sound better.

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Guest Alex0112

Stirring up controversy! Polarizing fans! Alert the media, Young Funk Chump's on the scene!!


Man I'm having delusions of grandeur.

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Guest Alex0112

if you re-read my "constructive" post i did in fact say the side chaining sounded crap then too


Gotcha- I thought you were talking about the track as a whole- which is what that other guys sounded like he meant.

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track is kind of quiet, not much of a center channel. but yeah, interesting track, can't really tell what is going on, especially dynamics wise, which makes it more interesting to me.

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Guest Alex0112

track is kind of quiet, not much of a center channel. but yeah, interesting track, can't really tell what is going on, especially dynamics wise, which makes it more interesting to me.


Yeah my buddy's been bitchin' at me about the same problem- seems like it would be an easy fix to just raise the volume- but the way I have the whole song mixed it's kinda in a delicate balance. If I raise the master volume in the program- I'd have to compress it more or it would clip. If you just turn the volume up in itunes or whatever compared to other tracks- it sounds much better. Anyone know of a way I can just raise the volume in general with an external program?


Anyway, thanks for the listen, glad you thought it was interesting.

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Hey, just gave this a couple listens through. Sounds pretty nice, not really my cuppa but yeah, cool.


So I think my comments might be simply because a lot of the production elements are kinda stylised, but i think there's some weird stuff going on.


The panning is a little sickening at times. Ive never been a fan of hard panning, it makes me feel a bit queesy of headphones, and can be really lost in a club. Maybe tone it down a bit, i dunno. Like someone said earlier, feels somewhat lacking down the centre channel, i guess its a lot to do with panning of the pads, gives space for the percusive sounds later on, but they sound a bit loud for me as is.


The kick comes through nicely, got nice attack on it, im only on my cans so I cant say anything about low stuff. The snare could really use more umph imo, sounds a bit like a slap with a wet flanel. Maybe this is the style, dunno, just a bit of a weird match with the nice kick.


Sub is definately the issue, i dunno what way round you got yer side chaining, but it sounds the wrong way round to me. I guess the plan is for when the sub drops the pads dip down a bit. But I guess maybe the release on the comp is too long. there's none of the pumping, just quieter with sub. I reakon maybe you'd be better off side chaining a duplicate of the kick into your comp. Would give more chance for the pads to breath out again between eack note (if that makes sense, bad at describing stuff, soz) But as it is, because the sub has very little presence, the track might as well just get quieter. Especially if someone listened to this on their budphones.


Anyways, trying to be helpful, but Im shit at explaining stuff. Tis a cool track though, nice sounds for sure! Just some weird mixing, but i dont know the style so....

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Guest Alex0112

Hey, just gave this a couple listens through. Sounds pretty nice, not really my cuppa but yeah, cool.


So I think my comments might be simply because a lot of the production elements are kinda stylised, but i think there's some weird stuff going on.


The panning is a little sickening at times. Ive never been a fan of hard panning, it makes me feel a bit queesy of headphones, and can be really lost in a club. Maybe tone it down a bit, i dunno. Like someone said earlier, feels somewhat lacking down the centre channel, i guess its a lot to do with panning of the pads, gives space for the percusive sounds later on, but they sound a bit loud for me as is.


The kick comes through nicely, got nice attack on it, im only on my cans so I cant say anything about low stuff. The snare could really use more umph imo, sounds a bit like a slap with a wet flanel. Maybe this is the style, dunno, just a bit of a weird match with the nice kick.


Sub is definately the issue, i dunno what way round you got yer side chaining, but it sounds the wrong way round to me. I guess the plan is for when the sub drops the pads dip down a bit. But I guess maybe the release on the comp is too long. there's none of the pumping, just quieter with sub. I reakon maybe you'd be better off side chaining a duplicate of the kick into your comp. Would give more chance for the pads to breath out again between eack note (if that makes sense, bad at describing stuff, soz) But as it is, because the sub has very little presence, the track might as well just get quieter. Especially if someone listened to this on their budphones.


Anyways, trying to be helpful, but Im shit at explaining stuff. Tis a cool track though, nice sounds for sure! Just some weird mixing, but i dont know the style so....



Thanks a ton for the listening and input, really appreciate it!


I was kind of going for a swirling, disorienting sound..thus the title "elastic space."

I thought it sounded pretty cool, but I can see how some people might think the panning in the intro would be too much..although once the drums kick in I do tone it down quite a bit.


I think the kick kind of anchors the mix once the beat comes in...as it's firmly planted in the center channel.


I'll take your advice and work a little bit on the snare sounds.


And as far as the sidechaining- I have the bass side-chained to the master track- so basically when it hits, the volume of the whole track dips. That's what I was going for, but I can see now that it might be a better to side-chain it only to the pads. I think that would work much better. I'm still not too good at the whole process.


Thanks again for the ideas.


P.S.- listened to some of your tracks on myspace the other day- pretty badass.

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you're definitely coming at all this with the wrong attitude... you should assume everyone will hate you and then be pleasantly surprised / flattered when they like it. i enjoyed the listen, but there is definitely a lot that could be done! the bass killing the lead as everyone has mentioned is kind of disorienting and kills it - this NEEDS to be fixed. also........ don't compare yourself to those who have achieved fame and fortune... if the comparison is worthy don't you think you'd be a little further along now? all i ask for is some modesty. i like the panning effect, but in order to make this track breathe it needs some noise or texture or something to bring the flat electronic sounds to life. i'd also experiment with more pulsey amplitude modulation if you want that creamy panning lead to jump a bit more (maybe even throw in some spikes where it gets extra loud so you notice it again - things like that to grab our attention). if the volume dropped when it crossed the center channel it would certainly make it pop a bit more. i liked your little high hat and clickidy clack, but the bass drum and snare lack punch (specifically the snare.. it's very dry and flat). i think you could do away with this really square wavey bass line and move towards a real bd sample with some pitching to achieve the same effects but with more life. the bass drum feels so disconnected from the rest of the percussion... bring it back! it will definitely make the beat more cohesive.


hope that was any help at all.. on an adderall binge writing papers WOO.

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