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Footballing training.

Guest sala

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How fast can you run a 40 yard dash? Can you throw well? The only positions where height matters are qb, line and receiver. If you aren't blindingly quick scratch receiver, if you can't throw scratch qb.


i forgot about defensive line....by far my favorite position in the whole game, and i was great at it. you just have to be fairly quick, and bloodthirsty.

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Ha, didn't see that comment before conor74


Todays practice was full contact. Started learning how to tackle then went on to run some plays later on. First two plays I was playing linebacker. Picked the first play, turnedover the second. A good start...


Switched to offense and tried out tightend. Was good fun. Ended up playing as QB (the only player given the chance) and first throw was completion, deep out. Ball flew flat through the air and went straight over the recievers correct shoulder. Happy.


I'm really enjoying playing QB. Trying to take charge and pick a play that will work. A lot to learn but I'm definately up for it. It's really good fun. Really gets the blood flowing when you have linebackers blitzing. I got a taste of what it's like to be sacked today too, from my blind side. Boom.


Coach said I have to be prepared to take a lot of tackles in my ribs/hips because of my height.


Football RULES.

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If you stick with QB be prepared to put on some weight as you will need something to cushion your fall when guys knock into you.


Or get a flak jacket. Our QB in high school was 6'4" and skinny as fuck. He had to wear a flak jacket.

I usually played Cornerback....only played one season though, my last year. Got 3 interceptions I think.

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