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Footballing training.

Guest sala

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Got football (american) training on sunday.

Got any tips? I'm 6ft7 and quite 'athletic' build. What positions should I try out for?


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I got training with my local team (Peterborough Saxons) soon, trained for a few months with one of the London teams but uni got in the way.


How much do you weigh? Sounds like you could be a lineman, UK teams have fuck all of them.

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I weigh like 14 stone (196lbs). I play lots of soccer normally.


I'm quite fast in long bursts. Maybe WR would be good as I can catch the ball pretty well, but maybe i'd be better suited somewhere else?

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Depends how your stamina is. Have you ever done a training session before?


First one I did I threw up. Seriously wasn't expecting anything like what I got.

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yeah guess i'd be able to pick off passes with my height and speed.


I'd just like to add that, even though I'm 6`7, I have very very light feet. When I play football I have very quick feet (amazing skills). and great balance. (seriously!)

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Why would you recommend someone coming in a 6'7 for line??


Probably just my own experiences if it don't sound right, the coach we had put most of them on the O line as we were so short. Did alright to be fair with a 7-3 record and 4 shutouts.

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

To play a line position you'd need to gain between 80 and 120 pounds, so probably receiver or tight end. Even for high school, you'd need to be at least 250.


At the college and pro level, many offensive linemen are 6'7" and taller. The prototype modern left tackle is 6'7", and 300 to 320 pounds. Most teams want larger guards, but shorter. If the interior guys are too tall, it can be an issue for shorter quarterbacks. I know the arizona cardinals have a 6'8" defensive end also, but height can be more of a liability on the defensive line on running downs for example.


Tall DBs make sense to me. I think the reason you don't see and tall DBs is that they typically play tight end or receiver, or they play basketball instead.

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

Actually, yeah. The answer to taller linemen is taller quarterbacks. Being able to see over the linebackers, who are all over 6 foot nowadays, is an advantage.

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Right well went today and all the coaches were taking me to one side to train me up as QB.

My friends were running routes for 2 hours and I was just stood there throwing all day!



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you are too light IMHO to play line....so yeah, receiver would probably be the best.



if you bulked up like a motherfucker youd be perfect for a tackle.



in high school varsity i was about 230, mostly muscle and 6'3" and i was probably about average in terms of linebackers builds, etc.


so youd have to be pretty beefy.

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How fast can you run a 40 yard dash? Can you throw well? The only positions where height matters are qb, line and receiver. If you aren't blindingly quick scratch receiver, if you can't throw scratch qb.

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