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happy birthday tom

Guest Calx Sherbet

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all this seems to disprove my claim to share a birthday with squarepusher

this being based on going to a squarepusher birthday do (on my birthday) in 96 or 97 or 98

and everybody singing happy birthday to you (to squarepusher)

i stood and a barrel and shouted fuck off at everyone because it was my birthday

also my friend sim was there and it was his birthday too (though he, unlike me, was made in 1974)

i guess that wasn't actually squarepusher's birthday then...

maybe the nearest saturday or friday or whatever night it was

where was it?


can't rememeber for certain...

i think possibly the george robey which by then was probably the powerhaus

they had made a new shiny bar in the middle and there was nasty modern stuff on the walls

it was disappointing (the powerhaus i mean)

although the old powerhaus in islington was a good venue

i saw the flaming lips there in 1992 or 3

my ears were still ringing 3 days later in stockwood park, where we had a game of acid frisball


this is penis!

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