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Post your 80's masterpieces

Guest the anonymous forumite

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Ha! I'm not 40 just yet thank you! I'm a few months older than Richard, you do the maths. :-P

In that case then I've got a year or two on you. I can certainly see what you mean about coming of age in the 80s, I was old enough then to seek music out for myself and find my own thing (I first heard The Fall when I was probably 12 or 13 which kicked it off I reckon), although stuff like that was handed down to me it set me off finding my own stuff and looking beyond the shit and cheese (some of which I still love to this day). So for me, looking back at the 80s is part nostalgia and part recognition of a formative period of my life.


To the OP: Everything Cocteau Twins, The Smiths, New Order is shit-hot 80s for me.




Contenders (Easterhouse)

Seventeen Seconds, Faith and Pornography (The Cure)

Penthouse and Pavement (Heaven 17)

Travelogue (Human League)

George Best (The Wedding Present)

In The Flat Field, Mask, The Sky's Gone Out (Bauhaus)

Construction Time Again, Some Great Reward, Black Celebration (Depeche Mode)

Kaleidoscop, Juju, A Kiss In The Dreamhouse, Hyaena (Siouxsie and The Banshees)

Crocodiles, Heaven Up Here, Porcupine (Echo & The Bunnymen)

Everybody Is Fantastic, The Clock Comes Down The Stairs (Microdisney)

Sign o The Times, The Black Album (Prince)


And that's just a few I can remember off the top of my head.


Edit: Posted before I read Masonic Boom's other posts.

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the Swans, anyone ?

Good shout, yes. And not unrelated, I forgot The The (Roli Mosimann produced a fair bit of his stuff).


And how could I forget The Teardrop Explodes? Cope's first two solo album (World Shut Your Mouth and Fried) were brilliant too. Reminds me, I still can't find my copy of Everyone Wants To Shag The Teardrop Explodes.


Oh, and almost everything released by The Fall in the 80s (Frenz aside).


Another edit: Ace thread, keep it going.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

(Roli Mosimann produced a fair bit of his stuff).


Have you ever listened to the Young Gods ? This album :



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Guest Masonic Boom

My gateway drug really was Duran Duran...




I know they get lumped in with a lot of cheesepop and I think their fanbase has long been held against them.


But seriously, they introduced me to so much stuff that made me the person I am today - they (well, Nick Rhodes) referenced Bowie, Eno, I think he was the first person that I ever heard mention Brian Eno or Kraftwerk which made me seek all that stuff out. He used to namecheck Andy Warhol like mad, which got me into the Velvet Underground.


And it's like... I'd say to my sneering friends "what would you think of a band that wanted to be a three-way tie between Chic, the Sex Pistols and Eno-era Roxy Music?" and they'd be all "that sounds like the best band evah...!" and I'd whip out the nite versions and be all IN YOUR FACE!


Ha ha, yeah, I still have a chip on my shoulder about Duran Duran. But I can't not acknowledge them.


there goes ANY cred I ever had on this forum... not that I had any to start with on account of my fangurling but ha ha ooh :facepalm:

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Guest Masonic Boom

I always forget that this band, too, did the majority of their work in the 80s because they had such a lasting effect through the 90s...






It's weird how many of the bands they influenced/spawned were such guitar-driven affairs considering how deeply electronics were woven into the fabric of them. The first time I ever heard the name "Delia Derbyshire" or Suicide it was because Sonic Boom was namedropping them left right and centre, it was Sonic Boom who made me obsessed with analogue synths after all his work with EMS gear...


(But does this mean I'm gonna have to give equal props to Loop?)

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(Roli Mosimann produced a fair bit of his stuff).


Have you ever listened to the Young Gods ? This album :



I haven't, sad to say, but they ring a few bells from back in the day. I did love the Wiseblood album at the time that came out.


Foetus though is one artist I never checked out.

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You can't really talk about good 80s without mentioning Talking Heads.


Kitchens of Distinction just scraped into the 80s with 'Love Is Hell', another amazing album, and the Kitchens do get a little bit of WATMM love now and again.


And a lot of music that could easily get dismissed as cheese was actually pretty darn good. Dare, anyone?


And just one track, but you did ask for masterpieces...



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I always considered the 80s the worst decade for music too (out of about 100 albums I own from the 60s on, I don't have a single one from the 80s) but have been listening to 80s music almost exclusively lately. I think it does have a lot to do with age as I grew up in the early 80s and dismissed a lot of the music as cheesy when I hit my teens.


Right now I'm big into the recently unearthed Minimal Wave stuff that sounds like Depeche Mode and Mute stuff. Also loving the proggy synth stuff that started in the late 70s and carried on into the early 80s for movie soundtracks, like Vangelis, Tangerine Dream, Wendy Carlos, and John Carpenter. Excited to have an entire decade that I really haven't explored too much given how exhaustively I've listened to music from the 70s and the 90s onward.

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Guest Masonic Boom

I'm just gonna have to bust out the playlist of the local yoot disco I used to hang out at in the late 80s... granted some of this might actually be scraping into 1990...








Just the sound of any of these can send me straight back to art school ha h ahaaaa oh god I'm not even trying to represent these as "classics" just really evocative of a certain period. Now I'm listening to them they sound even more ridiculous than they did at the time but... time and place, time and place...


ANOTHER ONE FROM THE ART SKOOL DISCO but hey I actually still quite like this one...



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Guest Masonic Boom

This just barely scrapes in at November 1989 (how sad am I? I bought it like the week it came out) but my god it was inescapable at the time...




Now I'm just being silly, but FUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKK I loved this at the time...





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Not trying to be a pedantic dick, but that was from 1979 (the first album I owned). It is a classic song though, and I suppose Gary Numan is more synonymous with the 80s.


This just barely scrapes in at November 1989 (how sad am I? I bought it like the week it came out) but my god it was inescapable at the time...





That EP blew me away when it came out. Great memories of getting wasted, being cool (or so I thought) and generally having a blast.

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Guest Masonic Boom

I think I listened to that Rave On e.p. (and all the Hallelujah remixes - oh, and Technique and 808 State) so much that my mum complained I had started speaking with a Mancunian accent!


The last time I saw my good friend (and rave buddy from that time) her 6 year old son had discovered all her rave clobber and turned up wearing her smiley face t-shirt and I burst out laughing because he just thought it was some fun kids' thing and I'm all "you know, your mum wore that shirt when we went to see Orbital and she...." and she swooped in and was all NOT IN FRONT OF THE K.I.D.S!!!! Can't wait until the kids discover the records that go with the clothes.


OK, sigh, showing our age now grandma is gonna sit down in her rocking chair and reminisce by the fire.


x-post oh let's not even get INTO Psychick TV I'm really gonna have 80s flashbacks. Right, I'm gonna put on Jack The Tab and have the rave right here.



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Best thing about Happy Mondays was that even I could dance to it without looking too much of a tit, or no more than anyone else anyway. And yeah, Quadrastate and Technique, takes me right back. Living in the Northwest at the time it kind of felt like we belonged to all that shit (and technically I'm as much of a Manc as Tim Burgess, who's from near Northwich in Cheshire like me). I quickly became sick of all that though and found solace in The Fall, who were as far removed from Madchester etc. as you could get.


And now I think my catheter needs emptying.


Major omission: Associates. Sulk is one of the greatest albums ever recorded.

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