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Fred McGriff

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and for a guy who's so often drunk, on xanax, or totally obliterated on some other cocktail, i don't understand your problem with benign potheads.


ouch. i dont have a problem with most potheads or else i wouldnt be spending my time on watmm. my problem is with this whole joke of a "medicinal" use of marijuana (see above post). it's a recreational drug.


well don't blame the people who take advantage of the loop hole, in prohibition times people need to think of clever ways to get around the law, and this is just one of them


for me personally one of the biggest indicators that a Cannibus dispensary or user of marijuana is not using it for medicinal reasons is if theystrive to get something with a really high THC content instead of letting the plant mature more dropping the THC levels and yielding more CBD. Most if not all the valuable medicinal effects of marijuana come from CBD, not THC and CBD has very little noticable psychoactive effect. IT's not hard to grow weed with more CBD than THC but most people see no value or point in doing this because well lets face it, they are growing/selling/consuming weed for the purpose of getting high. Only in the past few months has one dispensary i've gone to had a strain of marijuana with a high CBD content (over 4%). They even have a warning label on it saying 'not for recreational highs' or something to that effect, which in turn proves the hilarity of the whole unmbrella of all of them selling marijuana for medical purposes.


I think it's funny that a lot of people don't realize how much of a loop hole the medical marijuana thing is but im not discounting marijuana as a very beneficial medicine for certain people. the way its done in california is mostly for the stoners who have no medical issues. I have no problem with it, but i just have problems with the users of it who aren't honest about why they use it. The whole medical marijuana phenomenon has caused a lot of marijauan addicts in denial who claim 'but i gotta do it for my pain' , sure if you mean the pain of not getting high

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I had a friend in Los Angeles tell me that the dispensaries are easy targets for criminals and get robbed all the time. It's almost perfect for the criminals because the dispensaries have little security, carry large amounts of money and weed (just as good as money) and are reluctant to report a burglary to the cops because they're already towing the line of legality.


this is what the cops say in LA when they try to get the city council to rally against dispensaries, statistically and referencing actual crime stats its false


in response to adjective's question about how did i get my card, very simple i went to a doctor in oakland who sees 100-200 patients a day and simply signs off on a piece of paper that you've written your unverified medical history on. I've never heard of this doctor turning anyone away and he does no other kind of medical practice. You pay around $75-200 for this 'consultation'. It is extremely unheard of for your normal HMO or private practice doctor to go 'here is a prescription for marijuana i think this will help you' because normal doctors don't give an open season prescription for any drug, they prescribe specific amounts and a frequency. Actually to call it a 'prescription' is not true anyways because all you get from these doctors is a recommendation on a piece of paper.

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I had a friend in Los Angeles tell me that the dispensaries are easy targets for criminals and get robbed all the time. It's almost perfect for the criminals because the dispensaries have little security, carry large amounts of money and weed (just as good as money) and are reluctant to report a burglary to the cops because they're already towing the line of legality.


this is what the cops say in LA when they try to get the city council to rally against dispensaries, statistically and referencing actual crime stats its false


aren't cops in LA required to protect california state law? so like, calling the cops if a dispensary has been robbed shouldn't be an issue. right?

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not in LA and southern california, they are very much on the side of the federal government and have been for a very long time. They always bring in the DEA for a 'support role' when they shut them down


i guess sometimes laws in california are even too progressive for it's own citizens! some parts of caifornia are seriously very fucking backwards, even the doctor who gave me my recommendation specifically warned us about driving through rural and low population areas while possessing weed, even though you are legally protected the local sherrifs can still figure out a way to keep you or get the DEA involved. they often circumvent state law

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even now after Erik Holder and Obama promised to stop sending the DEA in to shut down dispensaries it still happens in an underhanded different way. Now if you operate as a cannibus dispensary the federal government will go over all of your records and filings with a fine tooth comb to make sure you are 100% air tight operating legally, if they find even one employee being paid under the table they can and probably will send the DEA in to shut you down

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not in LA and southern california, they are very much on the side of the federal government and have been for a very long time. They always bring in the DEA for a 'support role' when they shut them down


i guess sometimes laws in california are even too progressive for it's own citizens! some parts of caifornia are seriously very fucking backwards, even the doctor who gave me my recommendation specifically warned us about driving through rural and low population areas while possessing weed, even though you are legally protected the local sherrifs can still figure out a way to keep you or get the DEA involved. they often circumvent state law


that kinda ticks me off. sheriffs can't just pick and choose which state laws they're gonna enforce (i mean, they obviously can, but they shouldn't be able to).

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apparently they can when the entire sheriff department feels the same way, pretty fucked up isnt it? I think they're loosing the battle though overall, it's unstoppable at this point, 15 states and growing every year

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i agree w/previous posters about cannabis helping me focus on what i needed to change in my life. i think it has medicinal and recreational value (much the same way antidepressants are widely used in both the popular and black markets). i also believe that recreation is often medicinal.


like absolutely anything, it is detrimental to your health and sanity when abused. i don't think a lot of people are "ready" to accept responsibility for using powerful substances (cannabis included), but as a species, we are "ready" for very little of what we encounter. we just have to grow up and learn to deal with it.

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i've had my license for just about a year now. a friend of mine told me about a particular 'doctor' to call to get my license. 1.800.GOT.KUSH is the number. of the doctor. the... doctor.


basically, once you get over the whole idea that it's not legal, you realise it is.


$150 (only $100 in my girlfriend's case) and i was done. i vaguely discussed issues such as anxiety and insomnia with my doctor, but my girlfriend went in to a place on the boardwalk in venice and the guy basically said "yeah, so you have general anxiety eh?" and she was like.... "ok... sure", and that was that.


as far as the dispensaries go... there's only one in west LA that i like. most are like fred describes... at least to a degree. big pot leaf on the outside, "medical 420" signs, etc. but i frequent a place called 'the farmacy' in venice, and it is like a freakin' whole foods. it's the only dispensary i know of where anyone can walk in, you don't have to slide your ID through a mail slot or anything. you still have to 'check in' to see the 'menu' for the day, but i've brought my mom in there while buying 'medicine'. it's like a boutique for 'natural foods and rememdies' that just happens to have mass quantities of top-level marijuana in jars that you can have presented to you much like wines at a tasting. plus they sell edibles, infused teas, hash, hash oil, butter, and anything else you can think of.


there's some kickback from recently elected officials going on now... but i think the general shift in the US is towards full legalisation. as well it should be. what a waste of time it is to restrict the use of something so intrinsically harmless.

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Guest maantecaaa!!!

as far as the dispensaries go... there's only one in west LA that i like.


CCR on Sepulveda? :spiteful:


If you ever get a chance, try the Cornerstone Collective in Eagle Rock. Super professional and unbelievable quality weed.

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