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Scarface school play


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yeah its by the same guy who did lady gaga's telephone video




After living in Brooklyn for nearly ten years, I can certainly believe someone along the way would try this for real.

Every other motherfudger out here ha a fudging Scarface t-shirt or something.

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that lady gaga video is incredibly boring, this one is entertaining and quite disturbing, but i think it would be funnier if the girl said "you make pop corn and kill people..." and maybe changed the kill people to something else.




edit: this video is not as good as bugsy malone!

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

:facepalm: common dewds, this smelled as fake my ex-girlfriends dignity from a million miles away, we once were naive but we know better now doggies.


if this was real, the crowd not be silent for one, even if they were you would feel the ambiance of concern, lolz, anger, confusion or pride from the audience. could tell it was a very calculated viral video production before I even clicked on it

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