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Another Interesting Find on the BoC site

Guest Spittal

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Guest Spittal

So here is the 404'd error when I make up a URL like this;


http://www.boardsofcanada.com/audio/05.swf (it resets connection blah blah blah)


Then when you look up something that was there originally, like that old red moon jpeg (yeah, yeah give me break)




That's a strange screen? It's called domain parking, offered by Sedo (found here http://www.sedoparking.com )... The weird thing is, is that some images are uploaded to the BoC.com directory with stupid names like;










All of these images are in the HTML coding... but none of them (besides mrblue.gif) are visible.


This is seriously nothing but BoCs 404 screen... it just has a few weird things I'd like to share. Don't look into it too much, or even at all.

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Guest Spittal

Sigh, so I put the code that is behind the SEDO thing through a HTML code displayer...




Move along folks... nothing to see here besides BoCs old 404 message, that was covered up by domain parking.


Edit: Oh someone already found that shit out... my bad for not reading the post... :facepalm:

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