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eat more

Guest fiznuthian

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Guest fiznuthian

what the fuck?

a small mole-like spot that's been under my left armpit my entire life has almost disappeared.

in all fairness i have also started taking new chapter probiotics a few days ago for further skin treatment.

my shits are smooth, Michael Jackson smooth and regular.

and strangely, i'm exporting at exit more than i'm importing into my stomach.

where is all of this coming from? dormant in my intestines or something?

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Guest vodor

what the fuck?

a small mole-like spot that's been under my left armpit my entire life has almost disappeared.

in all fairness i have also started taking new chapter probiotics a few days ago for further skin treatment.

my shits are smooth, Michael Jackson smooth and regular.

and strangely, i'm exporting at exit more than i'm importing into my stomach.

where is all of this coming from? dormant in my intestines or something?


you totally had me up until this post. what the fuck.

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Guest Helper ET

id like to casually weigh in on the subject by describing my experiences


almost 3 years ago now, my mother bought me several bottles of these things, and i began eating these mushrooms on a daily basis. it didnt last very long, maybe 2-3 months, i was also consuming vitamin pills and hemp seeds, i would eat all three, every morning with my cereal (a somewhat fibrous cereal, but nothing overboard)


now i swear to god, when i was eating these things, i hadnt felt better since i was a kid. i had so much god damn energy, it was insane (just like fiznuthian describes), and for those who just live in a dull, lifeless world of minimal energy, it is one of greatest feeling one can experience. so you feel awesome, and all you want to do is exercise, in a good way! i was doing sit ups, push ups, and jumping jacks like there was no tomorrow...every single day, and that made me feel even more incredible. Also as fiznuthian describes, my pooping had never been so great in my entire life, no question. i was 20 years old at the time, and i was doing the best poops i had ever known. i was so blown away, i just couldnt believe how awesome my body was functioning. and this was at a time of somewhat heavy drinking...i was be drunk on a nightly basis, and i would wake up the next morning, eat my awesome morning things, and by noon i was a god again. thats another thing. my sleeping was awesome. just easy, well rested, simple sleep


another important aspect of my experience was my mental faculties. my thinking was extremely clear. i was always in an amazing mood, and generally in good spirits. this is something i feel i am, and have been truly lacking since those fateful months


now, allow me to be perfectly clear here. i am not saying my experience was due completely to the mushrooms. i do however know, that a huge part, if not the entire thing, was due to me waking up in the morning, eating healthy cereal, with a small bowl of hemp seeds, along with a large glass of water to down my vitamins and these mushrooms. no human being will ever convince me that this isnt why i felt so good. i highly recommend this routine for everyone


ive since fallen away from this regime, regrettably. i have since directed my health objectives more towards avoiding harmful substances in foods, and attempting to acquire all of the essential elements. in doing so though i have slowly forgotten to take care of the supplement side of my health. thank you fiznuthian, for reminding me of these wonderful organisms. i am now going to include these, as well as hemp seeds, into my daily health routine.


if i may, i would like to write up a quick guide for those who wish to casually live healthier lives. if anyone wishes to contact me about any health issues related to consuming or not consuming certain foods or substances, im not a professional, but i have some pretty interesting information


consume daily:


lots of clean water (dont drink tap water if you can afford to - for gods sake)

quality vitamin pills with all the extra goodies (pick em up at a health store, not a grocery store)

omega 3 fatty acid

all the essential nutrients, its best to consume these with a well balanced diet. do research! (the real kind)

fiber - very underrated. not only do you poop amazing, the nicely flowing digestive system does wonders for all of the body systems

hemp seeds - im not really an expert on these but i know their full of protein and omega 3, as well as other beneficial things

cordyceps mushrooms - i dont know about all this negative side effect talk (probably false), but their damn good for you, as fiznuthian has proven with more than enough information and sources

fruit - so delicious and so heatlhy




tap water - yes thats right, tap water. the mysterious liquid that everyone drinks and nobody questions. dont drink the water! its called fluoridation...its straight up, literal fucking poison to retard and kill everyone. a global conspiracy so diabolical you refuse to see it, because your illusion is so deep. still dont believe me with this shit? ive been going on for months now with you guys. just try prove me wrong you weak fucking cowards. ill own your ass ten times over

aspartame (and sucrolose, found in many yogurts now days) - aspartame is the artificial sweetener found in diet coke, and thousands of other food products. almost every single gum you can buy at the store has aspartame in it. its been proven to be deadly as hell, and was approved by the FDA thanks to donald rumsfeld, former secretary of defense during the bush administration, cause of millions dead via unnecessary wars. and do you know what aspartame is? its chemically processes feces of genetically modified E. Coli bacteria! wake up drones! still like chewing gum?

MSG - mono sodium glutamate. a "flavoring agent" added to many foods. every knows this shit is horrible for you, but the debate is about whether or not companies add it for "flavoring" (which some do), or if again the global death conspiracy has infiltrated the food industry. which ever you believe, its still terrible for you. also research "hidden msg" for a real trip


oh man, now that im getting into this im realizing theres just too much to tell you what not to consume. not just for one post....there too much for watmm to handle. just please, please, realize, that there exists a powerful, organized, global, effort to, one, feed as much poisonous substances into the food water and air as possible, and two, hide as much legitimate health information, and release as much health disinformation as possible. just know that, before you jump into the internet to waste years of your life, fighting through all the falsified information. if the government or well known health agency, organization, or company says eat something...that means you probably shouldnt, or you should only eat it organic, and if a conspiracy type person is saying to avoid a certain something, you probably should. know that, and your light years ahead of 99% of people trying to be healthy


try to eat only organic food if you can afford it


stop smoking cigarettes you sick fucks. that shit gets on everyone else too you know? 3rd hand smoke, residue fingers...fuck you


drink less


buy a vaporizer


dont do hard drugs


exercise daily


get up and do some health conspiracy research!


think positively, and when theres negativity, think solutions, without obstacles


and yes, cordyceps mushrooms are good for you and make you feel great

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Guest blicero









block and suppress


You are educated evil,

and might have to kill

the evil ONE teaching

educators before you

can learn that 4 corner

days actually exist -but

all Cube Truth denied.

Dumb ass educators fear

me and hide from debate.

They are paid to teach a propaganda book - not

Cube Truth - for which

they would be fired. Evil

teachers betray students,

as ONE is a Death Value.

Cube 4x4 voids 1 & God.

USA ripe for holocaust.

Man evolves from teenager -

in cube metamorphosis

but ignores teenager to worship a male mother,

guised in woman's garb,

churchman called father.

Adult god is adult crime

upon their own children.

More holocaust deserved.

The 12 hour or 1/2 Day clock is an intended EVIL against humanity -

indicting every human on Earth as Dumb, Educated Stupid and Evil -

for imaginary Cubed Earth has 4

Days within simultaneous rotation.

One God would equal a God Dunce

as Humans evolve from Children.

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Guest fiznuthian

id like to casually weigh in on the subject by describing my experiences


almost 3 years ago now, my mother bought me several bottles of these things, and i began eating these mushrooms on a daily basis. it didnt last very long, maybe 2-3 months, i was also consuming vitamin pills and hemp seeds, i would eat all three, every morning with my cereal (a somewhat fibrous cereal, but nothing overboard)


now i swear to god, when i was eating these things, i hadnt felt better since i was a kid. i had so much god damn energy, it was insane (just like fiznuthian describes), and for those who just live in a dull, lifeless world of minimal energy, it is one of greatest feeling one can experience. so you feel awesome, and all you want to do is exercise, in a good way! i was doing sit ups, push ups, and jumping jacks like there was no tomorrow...every single day, and that made me feel even more incredible. Also as fiznuthian describes, my pooping had never been so great in my entire life, no question. i was 20 years old at the time, and i was doing the best poops i had ever known. i was so blown away, i just couldnt believe how awesome my body was functioning. and this was at a time of somewhat heavy drinking...i was be drunk on a nightly basis, and i would wake up the next morning, eat my awesome morning things, and by noon i was a god again. thats another thing. my sleeping was awesome. just easy, well rested, simple sleep


another important aspect of my experience was my mental faculties. my thinking was extremely clear. i was always in an amazing mood, and generally in good spirits. this is something i feel i am, and have been truly lacking since those fateful months


now, allow me to be perfectly clear here. i am not saying my experience was due completely to the mushrooms. i do however know, that a huge part, if not the entire thing, was due to me waking up in the morning, eating healthy cereal, with a small bowl of hemp seeds, along with a large glass of water to down my vitamins and these mushrooms. no human being will ever convince me that this isnt why i felt so good. i highly recommend this routine for everyone


ive since fallen away from this regime, regrettably. i have since directed my health objectives more towards avoiding harmful substances in foods, and attempting to acquire all of the essential elements. in doing so though i have slowly forgotten to take care of the supplement side of my health. thank you fiznuthian, for reminding me of these wonderful organisms. i am now going to include these, as well as hemp seeds, into my daily health routine.


if i may, i would like to write up a quick guide for those who wish to casually live healthier lives. if anyone wishes to contact me about any health issues related to consuming or not consuming certain foods or substances, im not a professional, but i have some pretty interesting information


consume daily:


lots of clean water (dont drink tap water if you can afford to - for gods sake)

quality vitamin pills with all the extra goodies (pick em up at a health store, not a grocery store)

omega 3 fatty acid

all the essential nutrients, its best to consume these with a well balanced diet. do research! (the real kind)

fiber - very underrated. not only do you poop amazing, the nicely flowing digestive system does wonders for all of the body systems

hemp seeds - im not really an expert on these but i know their full of protein and omega 3, as well as other beneficial things

cordyceps mushrooms - i dont know about all this negative side effect talk (probably false), but their damn good for you, as fiznuthian has proven with more than enough information and sources

fruit - so delicious and so heatlhy




tap water - yes thats right, tap water. the mysterious liquid that everyone drinks and nobody questions. dont drink the water! its called fluoridation...its straight up, literal fucking poison to retard and kill everyone. a global conspiracy so diabolical you refuse to see it, because your illusion is so deep. still dont believe me with this shit? ive been going on for months now with you guys. just try prove me wrong you weak fucking cowards. ill own your ass ten times over

aspartame (and sucrolose, found in many yogurts now days) - aspartame is the artificial sweetener found in diet coke, and thousands of other food products. almost every single gum you can buy at the store has aspartame in it. its been proven to be deadly as hell, and was approved by the FDA thanks to donald rumsfeld, former secretary of defense during the bush administration, cause of millions dead via unnecessary wars. and do you know what aspartame is? its chemically processes feces of genetically modified E. Coli bacteria! wake up drones! still like chewing gum?

MSG - mono sodium glutamate. a "flavoring agent" added to many foods. every knows this shit is horrible for you, but the debate is about whether or not companies add it for "flavoring" (which some do), or if again the global death conspiracy has infiltrated the food industry. which ever you believe, its still terrible for you. also research "hidden msg" for a real trip


oh man, now that im getting into this im realizing theres just too much to tell you what not to consume. not just for one post....there too much for watmm to handle. just please, please, realize, that there exists a powerful, organized, global, effort to, one, feed as much poisonous substances into the food water and air as possible, and two, hide as much legitimate health information, and release as much health disinformation as possible. just know that, before you jump into the internet to waste years of your life, fighting through all the falsified information. if the government or well known health agency, organization, or company says eat something...that means you probably shouldnt, or you should only eat it organic, and if a conspiracy type person is saying to avoid a certain something, you probably should. know that, and your light years ahead of 99% of people trying to be healthy


try to eat only organic food if you can afford it


stop smoking cigarettes you sick fucks. that shit gets on everyone else too you know? 3rd hand smoke, residue fingers...fuck you


drink less


buy a vaporizer


dont do hard drugs


exercise daily


get up and do some health conspiracy research!


think positively, and when theres negativity, think solutions, without obstacles


and yes, cordyceps mushrooms are good for you and make you feel great


thanks, man. glad to hear they have helped you.

appreciate the wonderful health tips and inspiration too.

i was beginning to think i was just going insane,

fretting about the placebo effect and when it might wear off.


but then i went for another run after i came home from work,

some guy showed up and started getting ready for a run.

i talked to him briefly and found out he was keeping in shape for his Army PT test when he ships back in a week.

made me feel kind of intimidated pacing the field with him as he was clearly in much better shape.


thing is, after quite a few laps i could hear him breathing really heavy wearing down while

I kept on chugging along, breathing deeply and in great rhythm. still felt relaxed.

shit, perhaps i should join the army now..

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Guest fiznuthian

lots of clean water (dont drink tap water if you can afford to - for gods sake)


where do you find this "clean" water?

water filters, good ones


brita filters any good? i assumed as popular as they are

they're probably shit.


Since sucking cock I've been able to eat my own mushrooms.


so funny!

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Guest abusivegeorge

since eating mushrooms i've been able to suck my own cock!


It was just a remix of this.


Actually contributing to the thread though I've never tried medicinal mushrooms but I eat an absolute fuckload of large flat mushrooms, mostly fried.


Which is far from medicinal I'm sure.

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Guest sirch

joint and muscle pain went away after a week or so, i noticed it happening quickly. i felt the heat in my body early on when i started too.

everything else just cascaded in over time during the past 1 1/2 months.


i eat:

four fungi perfect mycommunity capsules, two AM and two PM, both on empty stomach if possible.

i eat two fungi perfecti cordychi cordyceps/reishi capsules per day, one in AM one at PM. empty stomach.

i eat two fungi perfecti lion's mane capsules per day, same as above AM/PM. empty stomach.

i eat 8 astragalus capsules per day, four AM and four PM. empty stomach if possible, just like the rest.


from what i've read and experienced early on you do not need these kind of dosages to experience the effects,

even just four mycommunity capsules a day you would absolutely feel it over time.

i love cordyceps, it can feel like a coffee rush from hell with no jitters and 100% clear mind. i suppose everyone's body is different,

so if you feel very little keep taking them and you will know when it's all happening. i sure as fuck did.

if i had nothing to do at work i would walk in circles endlesssly thinking about my day or clean random shit for hours.. my coworkers think i'm insane.




oh yeah, i ordered them originally from fungi.com, but to get discounts i get my supplements all from iherb.com and local hippie stores.

funny story, i didnt know anything about these before i walked into harvest moon foods store, a local organic/whole foods/etc place in a local rural town.

i picked up some mushroom capsules thinking it was funny people were offering a fuckton of mushrooms in a capsule as some kind of wonder medicine.. my carpel tunnel pain in my hand went away within hours and well, hasn't seem to come back in the slightest.



are you for real? you sound like a major spammer for said product!

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Guest sirch

I'd be very skeptical about eating a whole bunch of wacky mushrooms on a daily basis considering some of the drugs that have been isolated from mushrooms over the years


just wait til Gi comes off of 'em................ kaboom, lol

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Guest fiznuthian

joint and muscle pain went away after a week or so, i noticed it happening quickly. i felt the heat in my body early on when i started too.

everything else just cascaded in over time during the past 1 1/2 months.


i eat:

four fungi perfect mycommunity capsules, two AM and two PM, both on empty stomach if possible.

i eat two fungi perfecti cordychi cordyceps/reishi capsules per day, one in AM one at PM. empty stomach.

i eat two fungi perfecti lion's mane capsules per day, same as above AM/PM. empty stomach.

i eat 8 astragalus capsules per day, four AM and four PM. empty stomach if possible, just like the rest.


from what i've read and experienced early on you do not need these kind of dosages to experience the effects,

even just four mycommunity capsules a day you would absolutely feel it over time.

i love cordyceps, it can feel like a coffee rush from hell with no jitters and 100% clear mind. i suppose everyone's body is different,

so if you feel very little keep taking them and you will know when it's all happening. i sure as fuck did.

if i had nothing to do at work i would walk in circles endlesssly thinking about my day or clean random shit for hours.. my coworkers think i'm insane.




oh yeah, i ordered them originally from fungi.com, but to get discounts i get my supplements all from iherb.com and local hippie stores.

funny story, i didnt know anything about these before i walked into harvest moon foods store, a local organic/whole foods/etc place in a local rural town.

i picked up some mushroom capsules thinking it was funny people were offering a fuckton of mushrooms in a capsule as some kind of wonder medicine.. my carpel tunnel pain in my hand went away within hours and well, hasn't seem to come back in the slightest.



are you for real? you sound like a major spammer for said product!


right, and nothing makes money like selling a product made by a family business and small team of biologists...

which apparently no one wants to hear about anyways.

i'm making absolutely nothing from any of this. i just feel great is all, thanks to paul stamets.



good luck with the flu season :)

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Guest sirch

id like to casually weigh in on the subject by describing my experiences


almost 3 years ago now, my mother bought me several bottles of these things, and i began eating these mushrooms on a daily basis. it didnt last very long, maybe 2-3 months, i was also consuming vitamin pills and hemp seeds, i would eat all three, every morning with my cereal (a somewhat fibrous cereal, but nothing overboard)


now i swear to god, when i was eating these things, i hadnt felt better since i was a kid. i had so much god damn energy, it was insane (just like fiznuthian describes), and for those who just live in a dull, lifeless world of minimal energy, it is one of greatest feeling one can experience. so you feel awesome, and all you want to do is exercise, in a good way! i was doing sit ups, push ups, and jumping jacks like there was no tomorrow...every single day, and that made me feel even more incredible. Also as fiznuthian describes, my pooping had never been so great in my entire life, no question. i was 20 years old at the time, and i was doing the best poops i had ever known. i was so blown away, i just couldnt believe how awesome my body was functioning. and this was at a time of somewhat heavy drinking...i was be drunk on a nightly basis, and i would wake up the next morning, eat my awesome morning things, and by noon i was a god again. thats another thing. my sleeping was awesome. just easy, well rested, simple sleep


another important aspect of my experience was my mental faculties. my thinking was extremely clear. i was always in an amazing mood, and generally in good spirits. this is something i feel i am, and have been truly lacking since those fateful months


now, allow me to be perfectly clear here. i am not saying my experience was due completely to the mushrooms. i do however know, that a huge part, if not the entire thing, was due to me waking up in the morning, eating healthy cereal, with a small bowl of hemp seeds, along with a large glass of water to down my vitamins and these mushrooms. no human being will ever convince me that this isnt why i felt so good. i highly recommend this routine for everyone


ive since fallen away from this regime, regrettably. i have since directed my health objectives more towards avoiding harmful substances in foods, and attempting to acquire all of the essential elements. in doing so though i have slowly forgotten to take care of the supplement side of my health. thank you fiznuthian, for reminding me of these wonderful organisms. i am now going to include these, as well as hemp seeds, into my daily health routine.


if i may, i would like to write up a quick guide for those who wish to casually live healthier lives. if anyone wishes to contact me about any health issues related to consuming or not consuming certain foods or substances, im not a professional, but i have some pretty interesting information


consume daily:


lots of clean water (dont drink tap water if you can afford to - for gods sake)

quality vitamin pills with all the extra goodies (pick em up at a health store, not a grocery store)

omega 3 fatty acid

all the essential nutrients, its best to consume these with a well balanced diet. do research! (the real kind)

fiber - very underrated. not only do you poop amazing, the nicely flowing digestive system does wonders for all of the body systems

hemp seeds - im not really an expert on these but i know their full of protein and omega 3, as well as other beneficial things

cordyceps mushrooms - i dont know about all this negative side effect talk (probably false), but their damn good for you, as fiznuthian has proven with more than enough information and sources

fruit - so delicious and so heatlhy




tap water - yes thats right, tap water. the mysterious liquid that everyone drinks and nobody questions. dont drink the water! its called fluoridation...its straight up, literal fucking poison to retard and kill everyone. a global conspiracy so diabolical you refuse to see it, because your illusion is so deep. still dont believe me with this shit? ive been going on for months now with you guys. just try prove me wrong you weak fucking cowards. ill own your ass ten times over

aspartame (and sucrolose, found in many yogurts now days) - aspartame is the artificial sweetener found in diet coke, and thousands of other food products. almost every single gum you can buy at the store has aspartame in it. its been proven to be deadly as hell, and was approved by the FDA thanks to donald rumsfeld, former secretary of defense during the bush administration, cause of millions dead via unnecessary wars. and do you know what aspartame is? its chemically processes feces of genetically modified E. Coli bacteria! wake up drones! still like chewing gum?

MSG - mono sodium glutamate. a "flavoring agent" added to many foods. every knows this shit is horrible for you, but the debate is about whether or not companies add it for "flavoring" (which some do), or if again the global death conspiracy has infiltrated the food industry. which ever you believe, its still terrible for you. also research "hidden msg" for a real trip


oh man, now that im getting into this im realizing theres just too much to tell you what not to consume. not just for one post....there too much for watmm to handle. just please, please, realize, that there exists a powerful, organized, global, effort to, one, feed as much poisonous substances into the food water and air as possible, and two, hide as much legitimate health information, and release as much health disinformation as possible. just know that, before you jump into the internet to waste years of your life, fighting through all the falsified information. if the government or well known health agency, organization, or company says eat something...that means you probably shouldnt, or you should only eat it organic, and if a conspiracy type person is saying to avoid a certain something, you probably should. know that, and your light years ahead of 99% of people trying to be healthy


try to eat only organic food if you can afford it


stop smoking cigarettes you sick fucks. that shit gets on everyone else too you know? 3rd hand smoke, residue fingers...fuck you


drink less


buy a vaporizer


dont do hard drugs


exercise daily


get up and do some health conspiracy research!


think positively, and when theres negativity, think solutions, without obstacles


and yes, cordyceps mushrooms are good for you and make you feel great


what about ppl who mistakingly say "your", meaning a ceratin 'thing' belonging to you in some way.

instead of "you're", meaning 'you are'... what about those retards?


and what about ppl who've smoked cigarettes all their lives and lived long happy lives?????


what about the fear and the diss info.....


just enjoy yourselves, scared idiots!! we all die.... so why not live a little, push the boat out and enjoy some naughty things!!!!!


i don't trust anybody telling me not to do something anymore. even if they mean well. so fuck off.

drink and eat what you want, and just enjoy your life. and don't fucking worry about everything single little thing so much!!!!!!!!!

you can't NOT breathe air, you can't NOT drink water..... pfft


enjoy it, in spite of it all.


good luck with the flu season :)


lol, i'm sure i'll be fine, thanks.... *rolls eyes*

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Guest sirch

id like to casually weigh in on the subject by describing my experiences


almost 3 years ago now, my mother bought me several bottles of these things, and i began eating these mushrooms on a daily basis. it didnt last very long, maybe 2-3 months, i was also consuming vitamin pills and hemp seeds, i would eat all three, every morning with my cereal (a somewhat fibrous cereal, but nothing overboard)


now i swear to god, when i was eating these things, i hadnt felt better since i was a kid. i had so much god damn energy, it was insane (just like fiznuthian describes), and for those who just live in a dull, lifeless world of minimal energy, it is one of greatest feeling one can experience. so you feel awesome, and all you want to do is exercise, in a good way! i was doing sit ups, push ups, and jumping jacks like there was no tomorrow...every single day, and that made me feel even more incredible. Also as fiznuthian describes, my pooping had never been so great in my entire life, no question. i was 20 years old at the time, and i was doing the best poops i had ever known. i was so blown away, i just couldnt believe how awesome my body was functioning. and this was at a time of somewhat heavy drinking...i was be drunk on a nightly basis, and i would wake up the next morning, eat my awesome morning things, and by noon i was a god again. thats another thing. my sleeping was awesome. just easy, well rested, simple sleep


another important aspect of my experience was my mental faculties. my thinking was extremely clear. i was always in an amazing mood, and generally in good spirits. this is something i feel i am, and have been truly lacking since those fateful months


now, allow me to be perfectly clear here. i am not saying my experience was due completely to the mushrooms. i do however know, that a huge part, if not the entire thing, was due to me waking up in the morning, eating healthy cereal, with a small bowl of hemp seeds, along with a large glass of water to down my vitamins and these mushrooms. no human being will ever convince me that this isnt why i felt so good. i highly recommend this routine for everyone


ive since fallen away from this regime, regrettably. i have since directed my health objectives more towards avoiding harmful substances in foods, and attempting to acquire all of the essential elements. in doing so though i have slowly forgotten to take care of the supplement side of my health. thank you fiznuthian, for reminding me of these wonderful organisms. i am now going to include these, as well as hemp seeds, into my daily health routine.


if i may, i would like to write up a quick guide for those who wish to casually live healthier lives. if anyone wishes to contact me about any health issues related to consuming or not consuming certain foods or substances, im not a professional, but i have some pretty interesting information


consume daily:


lots of clean water (dont drink tap water if you can afford to - for gods sake)

quality vitamin pills with all the extra goodies (pick em up at a health store, not a grocery store)

omega 3 fatty acid

all the essential nutrients, its best to consume these with a well balanced diet. do research! (the real kind)

fiber - very underrated. not only do you poop amazing, the nicely flowing digestive system does wonders for all of the body systems

hemp seeds - im not really an expert on these but i know their full of protein and omega 3, as well as other beneficial things

cordyceps mushrooms - i dont know about all this negative side effect talk (probably false), but their damn good for you, as fiznuthian has proven with more than enough information and sources

fruit - so delicious and so heatlhy




tap water - yes thats right, tap water. the mysterious liquid that everyone drinks and nobody questions. dont drink the water! its called fluoridation...its straight up, literal fucking poison to retard and kill everyone. a global conspiracy so diabolical you refuse to see it, because your illusion is so deep. still dont believe me with this shit? ive been going on for months now with you guys. just try prove me wrong you weak fucking cowards. ill own your ass ten times over

aspartame (and sucrolose, found in many yogurts now days) - aspartame is the artificial sweetener found in diet coke, and thousands of other food products. almost every single gum you can buy at the store has aspartame in it. its been proven to be deadly as hell, and was approved by the FDA thanks to donald rumsfeld, former secretary of defense during the bush administration, cause of millions dead via unnecessary wars. and do you know what aspartame is? its chemically processes feces of genetically modified E. Coli bacteria! wake up drones! still like chewing gum?

MSG - mono sodium glutamate. a "flavoring agent" added to many foods. every knows this shit is horrible for you, but the debate is about whether or not companies add it for "flavoring" (which some do), or if again the global death conspiracy has infiltrated the food industry. which ever you believe, its still terrible for you. also research "hidden msg" for a real trip


oh man, now that im getting into this im realizing theres just too much to tell you what not to consume. not just for one post....there too much for watmm to handle. just please, please, realize, that there exists a powerful, organized, global, effort to, one, feed as much poisonous substances into the food water and air as possible, and two, hide as much legitimate health information, and release as much health disinformation as possible. just know that, before you jump into the internet to waste years of your life, fighting through all the falsified information. if the government or well known health agency, organization, or company says eat something...that means you probably shouldnt, or you should only eat it organic, and if a conspiracy type person is saying to avoid a certain something, you probably should. know that, and your light years ahead of 99% of people trying to be healthy


try to eat only organic food if you can afford it


stop smoking cigarettes you sick fucks. that shit gets on everyone else too you know? 3rd hand smoke, residue fingers...fuck you


drink less


buy a vaporizer


dont do hard drugs


exercise daily


get up and do some health conspiracy research!


think positively, and when theres negativity, think solutions, without obstacles


and yes, cordyceps mushrooms are good for you and make you feel great


thanks, man. glad to hear they have helped you.

appreciate the wonderful health tips and inspiration too.

i was beginning to think i was just going insane,

fretting about the placebo effect and when it might wear off.


but then i went for another run after i came home from work,

some guy showed up and started getting ready for a run.

i talked to him briefly and found out he was keeping in shape for his Army PT test when he ships back in a week.

made me feel kind of intimidated pacing the field with him as he was clearly in much better shape.


thing is, after quite a few laps i could hear him breathing really heavy wearing down while

I kept on chugging along, breathing deeply and in great rhythm. still felt relaxed.

shit, perhaps i should join the army now..


sounds like placebo effect, to me....... it's all in your mind, mate....

but if you need a 'thing' to make you feel this way then cool. whatever gives you confidence, innit. :)

we all have our own beliefs.

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Guest sirch



i was a skeptic before i tried them, and five months ago would have told you eastern medicine is full of shit.

they've done all of these things for me, minus the anti-cancer ofcourse. but i don't forsee getting cancer easily

considering how incredible my body and mind feels my entire waking day. i was bitten four times by mosquitos, all four

of them were nuked in less than 8-10 hours and seeped back gently back into my skin. no itching.

my skin condition that i haven't been able to find a doctor who could treat, has vanished with near 80% improvement.

i can not tire myself or fatigue myself anymore. i wake with an incredible energy that carries with me on minimal sleep and minimal food intake.

no joint pain, and almost non-existent muscle aches, even after running many miles per day and stairclimbing consistently in the hotel i work at.

i couldn't run a half mile without almost puking two months ago? it's getting very surreal to feel this strong. my pain tolerance is very high for some reason.

i don't get munchies from pot anymore, nor do i crave pot at all because my anxiety, social anxiety, and stress is gone. any stress is do encounter in my day

is easy to control with deep breathing (thanks to cordyceps and reishi). focusing my mind on activities is much, much easier.

my motivation to do things every day is through the ROOF. working my body on a task feels rewarding again.

my body maintains a constant internal heat, similar to the feeling of the flu's hot flashes (immune system at work) but i'm neither sick nor uncomfortable. i don't mind a hot house or cold room, feels the same now for some reason.

i usually struggle with depression quite a bit, but i'll be damned i haven't had a depressed thought in over a month.


following the first month of taking these i investigated other immunomodulating, adaptogenic substances and began taking high doses of astragalus root. there's nowhere near as much research behind astragalus as there is the many medicinal mushrooms, but i tried it anyway. this seems to have magnified the trend the mushroom supplements had already began, significantly so. i feel like a fucking tank every day. i just started taking omega 3 supplements a couple days ago, i suppose they can't hurt. i'm ordering new chapter organic's wholemega supplements and ditching the kroger brand generics.


i'm telling you guys, and i do love watmm, that this is beyond any drug i have ever taken or been prescribed my doctors. wish i knew this 20 years ago and started when i was 3.



has anybody else experienced this so called mushroom miracle? or just the 2 geezers above??

seems like utter bullshit to me, to be frank. sorry fellas.. but i'm sure you understand, now that you are so God-like, lol. ;P

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Guest fiznuthian

i feel 100% better by introducing medicinal mushrooms into my diet, and it's placebo?

my skin clearing?

no muscle or joint pain?

mysterious spots i've had my entire life suddenly disappearing?

mosquito bites healing overnight?

just how calm and relaxed i feel all of the time? not a single depressed thought since the week i started consuming them?

being able to run like i'm 8 again, still playing soccer 24/7 and getting to that shape in less than a month?

i barely even feel like i tried either..



perhaps i do need it, you know..

so i don't spend the next 40 years in decline and suffering from hereditary skin disorders and clinical depression

when it comes down to it, the mushrooms are edibles, its all just food.

if the FDA announced fish cures anything half the planet would probably clamor for it.


stamets is a MYCOLOGIST for the last time. he's not a salesman, not a businessman,

not a fucking QVC salesman or herbal-cure-for-everything wacko,

he's a biologist who studies FUNGI, and has done so every day of his life for 35 years,

most of us haven't even been alive for that long. only other thing he does is martial arts,

and i hear he's pretty good at it. so i find it really hard to believe that his

family business would be lying to me about everything and just trying to get my money.

just watch his youtube channel and see how excited he gets stumbling across

wild mushrooms and random fungus, completely unrelated to anything medicinal.


do you really think someone who nerds out that hard on fungus would be telling people all of this and he just made it all up?

there's a chance he and everyone else is wrong, but its a chance i'm willing to take if it means i can live happier.

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Guest fiznuthian

well, in general here's how it went:


the first month and two or so weeks i ate pizza, mac and cheese, fast food, etc as i normally do.

started eating mushrooms supplements, noticed i felt a lot better so i continued. started trying to exercise

more but did so sparsely and was irregular about it. i figure the exercise was helping some though.


after the first month i felt much healthier. started running every day because my legs would feel perfectly fine

after a day of stair climbing, running, soccer, and working out. i noticed the downtime between workouts rapidly get

smaller and smaller. i'd run and then want to run more an hour later.

sometimes i have to workout or do something physical for hours just to wear myself down enough to sit down for a while.

at this point my diet changed as it didn't feel right eating the same junk food..

it felt dirty, like i was going against the grain.

took a week but now i'm up to eating nothing but vegetables, fruits, oats, grain, fish, whole wheat, nuts and water.

been doing this for a few days now. should help even more right?

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Guest fiznuthian


here's stamets discussing some of the species..

but more importantly he discusses his 85 year

old mother's success eating mushrooms during chemo.

for those of you who told me to shut the fuck up about how they might help cancer patients,

you can listen for yourself.

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Guest fiznuthian

on the net there's tons of reviews for all kinds of medicinal mushroom products

being written by cancer patients, iherb.com has tons of them.

many of them aren't even made by stamets and his company.

i noticed something about the cancer patients writing reviews, most of them mention having a higher QoL during chemo,

and having great success in the reduction of their cancerous cells over time.

there's quite a few mentions of very fast remissions, as well as hightened immmune response after their system was damaged following treatment.

there's also more than a handful of people saying their blood sugar, blood cell count, blood pressure, and more remained

stable while on mushroom/chemo conjunctive therapies..


hm.. reviews correlating with studies performed in university labs..

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