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Current Work In Progress

Guest badgermeat

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Guest placidburp

Wow! Didn't know how the track would progress after the flutey chords at the start but it turned into something amazing! What do you use, if you don't mind me asking? If I tried to make this track I know for a fact that everything would be clipping like crazy, but everything sounds perfect.

Good job, I will be watching for more of your tracks.

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Guest badgermeat

Hey there, I'm totally stoked at your reply, it gives me great encouragement to put more stuff up!


Regarding what I created it on, I used Reason 4.0. I have heard about this clipping thing, but I'm actually quite new to the software so maybe I've just been lucky so far. I started to use it properly towards the end of January this year and my pal got me a keyboard which really helps with songwriting. I'd be happy to put something else up, as should you, I was enjoying one of your tracks earlier:)


Cheers again for the feedback!

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I like the harsh sounds, & the way you've got them juxtapositioned with the mellow beat & ambient sounds makes for an interesting composition. Good atmosphere, & while there wasn't any huge changes in dynamic the track never felt repetitive. I like it.

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That was very cool. I was looking at the waveform thinking, what the hell is going to happen?


But really nice atmosphere, its a shame you dont have more up 'cause it really creates a mood.

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Guest badgermeat

Before I shuffle off to sleep, to Cryptowen and Chassis; just wanted to say thank you for your kind and constructive words! I've been writing solidly for a few months (give or take with the usual fluctuations of life) and I've virtually nobody who shares a love for this genre knocking about so WATMM is my only means of getting other people (who listen to Aphex etc.) to actually give a balanced opinion of my music.


I know what you mean about the mood, and as the feedback seems encouraging so far I'll stick up a sample of my stuff over the next few days. I love ambient and it seems to seep into a lot of what I do. Anyway, it's late and I'm wittering on so thanks again guys and I look forward to checking out your own creations with the same open mind...

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