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mitch murder - rocky montage


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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

You've got some balls for thinking you can do better on the music for a rocky montage, I dare say your arrogance is not unfounded. You sure do have a knack for the uplifting motivational 80s attack. Quite impressive


I really think your project name for all this stuff should be much more instantly 80s happy nostalgic and exploit the vibe with everything encompassing. Your hot pink logo on your myspace is close but not quite and the name just doesn't sell it enough.


I would title this project after some really weird 80s movie that really seems in context with the style

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it was never my intention to take on the great dicola. well ok, maybe just a little bit, but mainly i just thought the music kinda fits the video so i went with it.


as for the name, no shit, i've been trying to come up with a new name for ages, i never liked "mitch murder" much, and it doesn't fit the style at all, but it's gone too far now, as far as im concerned it's too late for a name change.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

wrong, its not too late for name change, look Wisp released like 3 or 4 great albums or something under the name Lobe and probably did a lot more track spamming on the interwebs before he had to change his name to Wisp and I don't think it set him back much at all.

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I like how you don't go the obvious route with your tracks & record them to a cassette or something to make them sound 25 years old. By giving them clean recordings it instead feels like I've stepped into some strange alternative universe where the 80s continued until at least the mid-00s.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

cryptowen has a damn good point


but again change your moniker to something named after a weird 80s movie that embodies this style

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