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Ive substituted sleeping with making music.


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Guest Scrambled Ears

beginning sounds like it should be in a film about space...the kind that you put on late at night and zone out too...the clashing noise kind of lost it in the middle for me but the synth @ the end is nice

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Guest Masonic Boom

Yeah, I like this a lot.


Don't particularly think the clashing sound needs more delay - if anything I like the shortness of the delay which makes you really feel like whatever it is, it's IN THE ROOM WITH YOU rather than off down an echoey corridor (unless that echoey corridor is the effect you wanna go for.)


Does a good job of conveying that sense of having been awake too long, and your brain starts hallucinating weird flickering images around the edge of your field of vision.


My only concern is that the ambient pad at the beginning might have been recorded slightly too hot. It sounds almost like it's distorting in places - but granted, that might be these headphones, they're really super bassy and sometimes do that with quite rich tones.


But yeah. Tis good.

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Yeah, I like this a lot.


Don't particularly think the clashing sound needs more delay - if anything I like the shortness of the delay which makes you really feel like whatever it is, it's IN THE ROOM WITH YOU rather than off down an echoey corridor (unless that echoey corridor is the effect you wanna go for.)


Does a good job of conveying that sense of having been awake too long, and your brain starts hallucinating weird flickering images around the edge of your field of vision.


My only concern is that the ambient pad at the beginning might have been recorded slightly too hot. It sounds almost like it's distorting in places - but granted, that might be these headphones, they're really super bassy and sometimes do that with quite rich tones.


But yeah. Tis good.


I think the pad sounds likes its clipping a bit because of the delay. I wasnt sure if I wanted delay on it at all, I think the reverb might be enough to keep it misty.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

the beginning does show potential, really feel like this could be a much groovier track with some nice progression and some slamming percussion. The synth that comes towards the end is alright, kinda cool but definitely doesn't sound like any sort of long climactic layer or anything at best it should make a short post pinnacle outro


but yeh there is nothing wrong with this track and although its pretty long as it stands and isn't quite fulfilling it works. Has the potential to be really really cool though

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