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friends... (urgently needed advice)

Guest cuntainer

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Guest cuntainer

That's what i kept reading it as too.



Anyway, there's absolutely no way you should stop taking lots of drugs just in order to get a job. That's an incredibly 1998-99 idea that simply doesn't relate to the real world. Just tell them that they would be funding your drug habit if they employed you and that you thought you had made that clear before the interview. After that just stare at them like you cant believe how stupid they are. Remember, anything they say from here on in can be countered with that uncompromising look. They are the idiots not you.



this post makes so little sense to me, that i'm not even sure it's in english.


congrats OP. stick it to the man, to quote a cliche



many thanks.


super stoked at this job, cant wait to buy a macbook pro now.

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Guest cuntainer

RE: spitting--drugs and alcohol are everywhere in you when you use them. The coolest is hair samples because, depending on your hair cutting frequency, they can see that you used LSD/weed/cocaine/whatevs like 3 or 4 months ago.


This is no lie and anyone who works in health care knows that a lot of drug use goes on. Some friends of mine, including an ER physician, were dealing ecstasy out of the ambulance bay. They got busted. The next day, the doctor shows up with a slap head and shaved eyebrows--no fucking lie. Smart bee this one was, you don't make it to MD being an idiot, amirite?


Eyelashes, you might say--eyelashes and actually eyebrows too have a fixed growth rate and then stop unless needed again like if you singe your eyebrows off freebasing or making an omelette or some shit. So, unless he was using as a fetus/small child, it wouldn't show. But the fucker wasn't taking any chances, eh?


People who work in psychiatry are as fucked up as the people they help, take it from me--I've never used more prescription drugs in my life than when I worked in a psych. ward :cisfor::emotawesomepm9:



yeah i knew about the hair and all already, and there was an australian football player who shaved his head so he couldn't be tested for ice


my mum stole some temazepam from the aged care play she worked at as a nurse and hit me up with some, too bad benzos fucking suck.

fuck prescription drugs

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Guest cuntainer

yeah valium's probably the only decent one, but i don't really like it either, i've had the same box since 2008. i am interested to try some others to see if they work at all though, but in general i don't touch no-go pills unless i really have to.

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Guest cuntainer

shaved off all his body hair, not only was it appropriate for him to do so to pass the test, but also fashionable...



ice is meth?


is that not a common name in the UK?

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Guest cuntainer

just finished my first week, best week ever.



for a couple of years now i've wanted to try acid so bad, and now, because of my job, i get to do it tomorrow.



ridiculously happy and pumped.

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Guest green hausen

You can't have ice in Australia because of the water restrictions. Have to keep drinks in the fridge.

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Guest cuntainer

just woke up and feel amazing, i can't wait for today.


one of the most exciting things that's ever happened to me is this.






even though i wanted to do mushrooms first, i don't mind breaking my plan, and i kind of did mushrooms, except we didnt have enough so pretty much all that happened is we got a little stoned from the joint we had, and minimal minimal eye tricks, cant explain.



i'm so happy.

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Guest cuntainer

surprise... the supplier is out.



i need to stop getting pumped for shit before it happens, cause this shit always happens with dealers.


my mate offered me some purple hearts, but i dont do pills. but i want to try mdma once.



and yeah i know all about set and setting, i definitely subscribe to it.

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Guest cuntainer

the weed i currently have is non-hydro, and when i first started using my iolite vape, i was going through about 12-14 refills (over about 6 hours), and all it did was make me tired, lately i've been having around 2-5 over maybe 2-6 hours, and it's been way better.


i wouldn't mind getting some super strong hydro, but i dont have many contacts and from what i gather perth is pretty dry most of the time.


i haven't had strong hyrdo for a long time, and i had the most amazing experiences on it, can't wait to get some again when ever possible.


and i'm confident that some time in the near future my friend's dealer will be able to hit us up (lsd), i've waited a long time, and i believe i have been ready for the experience for some time now.


god i cant wait to hear autechre under that influence, while contemplating collective unconscious and reincarnation and all that jazz

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i like how OP steered this away from a drug-test-needed thread and towards an i'm-so-excited-to-do-drugs thread


edit: jus sayin

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hey i'm just saying i like where this thread has gone, even though it has taken four pages to reach its inevitable endgoal

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