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colors rotate in the neon sky

Guest tht tne

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Guest tht tne

total Mitch Murder ripoff :/


Seriously though, turn down the gain on that bassy stuff. That kind of clipping isn't all that pleasant.


my feedback to your feedback is that it sounded arrogant and you should phrase it more politely, like: "why don't you turn down the gain" or "i would turn down the gain"

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Good thing I didn't ask for feedback on my feedback! The reason why I said it that way was because I figured you did it on purpose, to be arrogant.


Actually no, I'm lying. I thought I was being helpful. Aren't we a bit beyond social niceties anyway guy?

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Sounds like the bass is throwing up on the rest of the sounds.


I like the drums.


I like teh melodies too.


Needs a proper burial (ending).


My 2 cents.

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yeah man the gain is deadly on this, and it seems a bit generic/boring...once again I like the drums ok but the melody is a bit weak and the sounds you've chosen sound like presets....make your own sounds! or don't, it's your music... :mu-ziq:

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Guest tht tne

yeah man the gain is deadly on this, and it seems a bit generic/boring...once again I like the drums ok but the melody is a bit weak and the sounds you've chosen sound like presets....make your own sounds! or don't, it's your music... :mu-ziq:


your music could be considered generic/boring, weak, and presetty... i don't really care to hear more from you in my ylc threads

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Your music is fucking boring...I was being nice


and I don't expect many people that make generic almost idm to like my music...


Was trying to help your shitty music to sound better but if you don't want criticism when posting in YLC, then get a good ear for music because you don't have one...


otherwise people are going to be wondering why your music sounds like a retarded monkey made it... :facepalm:

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Guest tht tne

Your music is fucking boring...I was being nice


and I don't expect many people that make generic almost idm to like my music...


Was trying to help your shitty music to sound better but if you don't want criticism when posting in YLC, then get a good ear for music because you don't have one...


otherwise people are going to be wondering why your music sounds like a retarded monkey made it... :facepalm:


i don't think it's boring at all, and you're a dick... i would expect as much from someone who mostly mixes and posts few to zero original tracks

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Guest Scrambled Ears

i liked it...but ya fix that bass and the part where the drums alternate with the bass is a little klitchy...otherwise its a cool track

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it's really catchy. i don't think it pays off in the end but i like it. just lowering the bass isn't really an option, i think its an integral part of the track, that it shoves everything off the mix. but still i think that it doesnt really add up and that you should try looking for other solutions for.. uhm.. whatever you're looking for there. so.. keep it up. oh and you should really work on how you react to criticism towards your music. :trashbear:

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

lol are you mixing on laptop speakers? I don't see how you wouldn't hear that the bass is distorting way beyond overboard intentional sounding. the drums are well produced but the melodies are really weak imho.


basically the only thing I like about it is the drum sounds.

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