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hjoly cjrap ij hjave ijmbibed ajlcohol ajnd tjherefore cjannot tjype


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bjecause tjhats wjhat yjou djo wjhen yjou're djrunk, yjeah?

mjy pjarticular djrunken qjuirk wjhen ij'm tjyping ijs tjhat ij pjut aj j ajfter tjhe fjirst ljetter ojf ejvery wjord.

ijt fjeels.j... vjaguely njorweigan.


amazingly i can type pretty well to the extent of inserting a 'j' as the second letter of every word even when drunk.

tbh i suspect everyone can. mashing the keyboard like a retard intentionally because you've had three pints is not cool, kids.

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i'm ancient and i spent a couple of years and a lot of money at warehouse parties in holland giving myself a thousand-yard stare a few years ago. my grip has been described as 'heroic'.

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Can't wait til you post with this typographic habit drunk some other time, further down the line so I can say "jjazz bjand"


Hjow ijs mjinecraft djrunk, kjaini?

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Can't wait til you post with this typographic habit drunk some other time, further down the line so I can say "jjazz bjand"


Hjow ijs mjinecraft djrunk, kjaini?


quite good. however me being drunk is not the focus of this thread.


other creativity enhancers may or may not have been involved, mind.

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