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Reaktor User Library weekly report

Guest ZooTooK

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Guest ZooTooK

I'm going to post a weekly summary of what's been uploaded to the user library over at stereoklang.se/blog/


The aim is to give a quick-to-read summary but it will not be full reviews. Just short descriptions what it is making it easier for anyone to see if there's something worthwhile downloading. The purpose is to encourage people to investigate the user library in general but also to put some highlight to all those making an effort building and sharing.


Here's the report for week 44

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Hanratty

can anyone who knows Reaktor help me? I am using a new ensemble called Nord Rack 2X. It's a close emulation of a Nord Lead 2X. My problem is that I can't automate any knobs and it does not work with midilearn. I'm using it as a plugin in ableton 6 if that helps any.

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