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being rejected


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consists of only one main rule…



Please notice the wording of the rule. It doesn’t say you must attempt or try to be rejected. The rule is you MUST be rejected by another human being. In this game, rejection is success.


No other outcome will meet the requirement of Rejection Therapy.


To put yourself in a situation where rejection is likely, but to your surprise your request is granted, is not a successful outcome. Why? Because you weren’t rejected. You didn’t ask for enough.




Good game. Plus you'll probably end up getting more than you realised you would.



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Fuck'em :cool:



Kinda cheesy, but I always think you gotta be like water, let the hits roll off... like Bruce Lee's ideas: if you're flexible, you won't snap.. you can't be hard on anything or on yourself...



learn to realize there's far more pain in not living your life (making connections, developing skills, etc) than to procrastinate. the pain of being rejected, should feel less bad than the pain of doing nothing (which is essentially like being dead).



I think I just got used to it. The first few girls I really bottomed out with got me all shook up for ages but now I can sort of accept the rejection, I almost enjoy treating myself to a bit of self pity for a few days, listen to The Cure a lot etc and then move on


to quote Antoine Dodson, "we don't run around crying and acting sad, we just dust our shoulders off and keep it moving"


You guys just said the same thing as me...


edit: :cerious: Life is what it is. You decide your reaction to any situation. Life is far too short to be down about other peoples bullshit. As an old roomate would say: "HAVE FUCKING FUN."

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Guest happycase

Rejection and primordial peace exist simultaneously and as a unit. What happens "outside" of you doesn't refer back to some entity "inside," just like the word "apple" doesn't refer to the Mysterious Tao manifesting as an apple. The universe holds positivity and negativity simultaneously and without conflict, since the + the - and the object they're directed at exist simultaneously and all in their own right.

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