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Gates Of Hades


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This needs to be discussed


I know there was something relevent posted back in july, but i just heard about it today. From what i gather it is a 30 minute 'song' which is meant to be listened to in complete isolation (ala altered states). Therein, the listener will experience "nightmarish and near-death experiences". I have not 'experienced' it, but i have listened to it and it is essentially divided into 3 parts. Part one is white noise (meant to relax the listener), part two is this wavering constant sine wave to promote ethereal-sounding strangeness, then part three starts when the sine wave pitches up slightly and this terrible, distorted whine crackles in as a rising tone. I assume that the last part is the 'nightmare-inducing' part. I've gotta admit, the last part does indeed sound quite chilling. Even listeneing to it in an everyday setting makes me anxious when waiting for that 22 minutes mark when the whine kicks in. Meh. I'm scared to try it in full experience mode, honestly


Only legit version of it i could find (i know, 4shared, stfu)



One of you needs to take one for the team and try it

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For the most part it does sound like bullshit, but i dunno, it all sounds like it could make sense. Like, corresponding brain waves and sound frequencies (alpha, beta, gamma, whatever)




I know there was something relevent posted back in july



when it was on watmm before (jazzband btw)

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Guest Pennywise

For the most part it does sound like bullshit, but i dunno, it all sounds like it could make sense. Like, corresponding brain waves and sound frequencies (alpha, beta, gamma, whatever)


nah its bullshit, also they honestly charge like 100 dollars for each track. How am i not rich in a world where people pay to listen to white noise? FUCK

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