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Just a nice track I came up with tonight. Id recommend downloading it as streaming in 128 would be shit. The file is 320, if anyone wants the wav in 96/32 PM me and Ill see what I can sort out (for a fan :wub: )


Anyway, listen, enjoy and give some feedback if you like.



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i thought it sounded nice at first but then dragged on a bit. took too long to get to the beats then just as something was happening and building up you stopped, went back to the pads and faded out.

so in conclusion, nice sounds but didn't really go anywhere. a nice little excersise though.


what gear/software are you using btw, chassis?

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"MORE BEATZ!" gotcha :spiteful:


what gear/software are you using btw, chassis?


I use ableton + midi controller. Mostly plug ins emulating analogue instruments.


you need to get yourself a proper synth, mate! not that plugins aren't any good or usefull, but everybody should own a least one real synthesizer. :)

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yeah right, you shit what you call songs like an old pedophile with incontinence issues, and i'm the one mentally challenged???


work off your lazy ass and stop posting turds like this.


there's no need for that really is there?? don't be a cock, Jacko!

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yeah right, you shit what you call songs like an old pedophile with incontinence issues, and i'm the one mentally challenged???


work off your lazy ass and stop posting turds like this.


there's no need for that really is there?? don't be a cock, Jacko!

yes there is, he's just getting what he asked for, you're definitely not aware of the precedents to these replies.

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everybody should own a least one real synthesizer. :)


this is not true. i don't.


do you make any music at all? in a semi-serious way? if so, then you should buy a synth. a real one.

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sorry, i don't know you and haven't ever heard any of your stuff before. i'm not really interested in sosundcloud, either, tbh. i just can't understand why anybody wouldn't want to own a real hands-on synthesizer.... unless it's just a matter of money and not having enough for one. otherwise.. each to their own i suppose. *shrugs*

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The only reason I wouldn't buy one is because theyre expensive. You buy the synth, then you need a mixer or a pre-amp or something and it costs you and arm and a leg.


Plug ins are freeeeeeeeeeee, well most of em.

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sorry, i don't know you and haven't ever heard any of your stuff before. i'm not really interested in sosundcloud, either, tbh. i just can't understand why anybody wouldn't want to own a real hands-on synthesizer.... unless it's just a matter of money and not having enough for one. otherwise.. each to their own i suppose. *shrugs*


my lol was due to your statement that i should get a synth if im serious about my music. i've been making software based electronic music for 15 years, the only hardware i ever use is my midi keyboard. i would

get some kind of hardware if i had any interest in it, but i don't, and i don't feel the need to either. getting a synthesizer isn't going to make you a better or more serious musician.


here's a youtube promo for my latest album





i don't see how it would've sounded any different if i had used hardware instead.


and sorry chassis for jackin your thread like this, i really do like your track up there. i just don't like it when people claim stuff like this as some kind of fact.

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