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Woman pensioner confronts thieves


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A handbag heroine has apparently fought off robbers armed with sledgehammers as they attempted a smash-and-grab raid at a jewellery store.





Its lol




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Leg end!


There's some good comments too.


"knowing the way our law works, the police will charge her with GBH and the robbers will sue for damages and loss of earnings lol"


"I am sure this lady must have broken one of Labours laws on something or other, surely these young men had a right to make a living and this women by her selfish actions stopped them doing so. One of them fell of his get away scooter in which doing he could have sustained an injury and of course now that he has been beaten by an old lady his feelings and street cred will be deminished, so making it impossible for him to have the same interaction with his peers and therefore making his self asteem decline and causing possible physcological problems. Instead of praising this women I say she should be prosecuted not only for attacking these young men but also fo infringing several health & safety regulations, did she carryout a risk assesment and submit a method statement to be assesed by a fully qualified health & safety manager? which I am sure our police would have done before acting."

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