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NewEgg really pissing me off

Guest hahathhat

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Guest hahathhat

a couple weeks ago, i ordered a bunch of stuff from newegg.com, including a pair of new keyboards. it arrived, and the keyboards were the wrong layout -- they had L-shaped enter keys, which i hate. i'd been very careful to look at the pictures and make sure it was the layout i wanted... but to be sure, i went back and looked at the item. my eyes had not deceived me! the picture was of the one i wanted, not of the one they sent. looking more closely revealed a description in the "specifications" tab or some shit describing what they actually sent me. argh! if the picture isn't the actual item, fucking say so!


i gave them the benefit of the doubt. i figured it's a big site with a lot of items and they can't make it all perfect. so i call up to do an RMA... wham, a wall. impenetrable phone system, obviously designed to be as completely annoying as possible. i'm not kidding! i'm not some old curmudgeon that's unable to program a VCR, and i usually have plenty of patience for this shit. give it a call if you don't believe me -- (800) 390-1119. in fact, i'd encourage it, as it'll cost them some money. 15 minutes in, and i was nowhere near actually talking to someone. i gathered they wanted to do it over email, which is fine, but they should have just fucking said so rather than that hugely disrespectful phone menu.


so i do the RMA via their site. they approve it, and i have two weeks to get it from my futon to their warehouse in california. it's saturday and new england is ground to a halt with snow. i wind up sending it 3-day or something for ~$15, on top of the $10 it cost to ship the wrong keyboards here. whatever, i just want some new fucking keyboards.


many days later, i get a form email saying they got my box, but have not opened it yet, 2-3 days etc. a distant nine days later, i reply saying, what's up with this?


today, i get a different form letter, saying "refund" etc. i gather they're giving me a refund instead of sending the keyboards (the email itself has no human touch, and it's quite hard to discern what's going on). so now i am out $25 and i still don't have new goddamn keyboards.


am i wrong for wanting to stab someone?

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Guest hahathhat

1st world problem.


it's the era of being nickel-and-dimed. it's not the $25 so much as the general principle... if i take this shit, it'll just be worse next round.

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i havent had to return anything to newegg but i have found these past few years that they dont have great. prices. Not horrible, but you can ususally find better by searching for the same product on google shopping or amazon/ebay or whatever.

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Guest hahathhat

amazon has its own issues ordering tech stuff, esp. with 3rd party suppliers. i prefer to stick to dvds/movies with them... but i will be shopping around more now !

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I've RMAed broken cards, motherboards and talked with techsupport and Newegg has been the best.


No complaints from me. I always read specs and look at pictures to judge looks.


Waiting is something we all have to deal with. I went a month with out my computer waiting for my Mother Board to get back and you didn't see me starting a thread about it.


People just have different ticks I guess.

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Guest hahathhat

i kind of suspect they hoped i'd be happy and just re-order the right keyboards, so they wouldn't have to pay to ship them to me.

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I usually have good experiences with them until recently. We have an account with them at work and I had to grab a new NAS device and my boss wanted one of the DROBO NAS systems. $1300 and a few days later it is in my hands. Played with it for a few days and found it to be utter shit and asked for a refund, but was hit with a 10% restocking fee. I told them there is no need to restock the item as it's probably defective then they asked I would have to ship it to the manufacturer to get word from them if it is in fact defective.


So I would have to ship to manufacturer, have them ship it back to me then ship it back to NewEgg... in the end I just ate the 10% restocking fee as it would cost my work more in man hours shipping that thing too and from and dealing with RMA support than it would be to take the fee.


Took my money to TigerDirect and have been very happy.

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