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From the makers of QWOP comes GIRP


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From the makers of QWOP comes GIRP


Press and hold down the appropriate letter to make him grab and hold on to it, and press the shift (whilst still holding the key on the keyboard) to pull yourself up. Within about 10 seconds your fingers will be twisted in the most uncomfortable positions !


EDIT: DON'T USE THE SHIFT KEY, it's much harder than if you use the left mouse button instead. Plus you don't have to worry about stupid sticky keys kicking in if you use the mouse...

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I cant make it round the corner about 6 meters up....


EDIT - Actually using the mouse instead of the shift key made it so much easier for me and managed to make 12m (plus it gets around the sticky keys issue)

EDIT2 - Woo, 20.8 !

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Guest disparaissant

made it 9.6m before getting attacked by a bird. it blocked my only way up and i fell to my death.

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Guest disparaissant

You can dislodge the bird by trying to grab some of the other letters around it, your mad flailing will knock it out of the way ...

yeah, it just kept flying between two different handholds, and i needed both to continue, then got a little flustered and let go of the wrong key.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just doubled my previous personal best and got 41.8m.... It's weird how it's surprisingly tense what with the sea level continually rising and yet oddly calming overall with the sound of the sea and the occasional piano melody.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

fucking awesome! Kind of was hoping this would be as hilarious, addictive and frustratingly torturous but this is genius cool stuff

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