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getting left behind as the internet evolves


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Well, easy for a somewhat technical person I guess. I've heard they started blocking IP's of large VPN providers. If I'd be in China I'd get myself a cheap VPS (so I can do SSH tunnels as well) with a switchable IP at a smaller provider.


Do you play Minecraft over VPN? Is throttling causing the latency/speed issues or is it your VPN?


yeah I'm not technical so I have no clue about VPS/SSH tunnels. The VPNs I have used all have multiple IPs all over the world, you pick by location. I'm not sure what's causing the problem to be honest. It affects my business as well.


how is skype there? does it work at all? it is my understanding the skype is encrypted and gives governments a headache regarding warrants & wiretaps (namely, they refuse to play along with them).


Skype is fine, MSN is a bit spotty but I'm not sure if that's due to anything other than typical MSN shittiness.

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What I'm doing now (posting on a messageboard) seems positively archaic compared to that. Someone suggested a Ventrilo deal for WATMM. I don't know how I feel about that but apparently that's the way every teenager today rolls.


When they grow up, and stop talking in soundbites. They'll graduate to messageboards as well. Well the smart ones will.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

if you have no connection through internet explorer, flash doesn't seem to work on many sites.

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Guest Jackson Michaels

Technology will eclipse us all, just as my grandma could knit a jumper in half an hour and dismantle a chicken while watching countdown but could only drive down the centre of roads at 5 miles an hour, and just as my dad can explain how a clock works and what torque is but I have to set the video recorder for him, I will eventually be unable to purchase a packet of Fizz Wizz due to a disruption in my personal magnetic field blocking my credit unit from transferring funds and I will die of an electric shock trying to having a holo-wank



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Guest theSun

Eh, this whole internet thing is just a fad anyway.


give it a few years and we'll be back to slide rules imo

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Guest sirch

I really really hate the whole mantra that websites have adopted now. Like flash backrounds and shit, just unnecessary shit that makes the page slow down.


I only have 1gb of ram on my netbook and sites like FACT mag and shit always freeze up.


wasn't even that long ago that 1gb of ram was a big deal!!

i pity the kids of the future, constantly having to upgrade all the time.

a new phone every month. new laptop every 3 months. fuckin nuts i tell ye.

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Guest sirch

i used to know girls who never been on the internet before. or at least very very small amount of internet knowledge. it was kinda hot.


''got an email?''


''no dont use the internet, here's my number instead''





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Guest sirch


Skype is fine, MSN is a bit spotty but I'm not sure if that's due to anything other than typical MSN shittiness.


my msn doesn't work anymore and i can't install the new windows live bollocks bells 'n whistles messenger coz i'm still rockin XP. oh well.

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So here is a kind of strange story that I have to tell about people dropping out of the system:


One time I was going on a random road trip north from fairbanks. We were headed toward livengood: http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safari&rls=en&q=livengood%20alaska&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wl (as you can see, there is simply nothing, nothing, nothing, for ever in alaska). My friend told me that there is this cult that lives out in the area north of Fairbanks. They've been living there for a while and they've even been having kids, like, with no social security numbers or anything. Some people 'escaped' and fled to Goldstream Valley (kind of the hippy/crusty outskirt of fairbanks) to live in a commune or something. They can all be recognized by their distinguished and numerous blue tattoos. So I saw one of them one day in the college radio station office (had some blue tattoos and looked all raggedy). He talked in a kind of uncanny way and mentioned that he'd made quiche last night, using a recipe he'd found on the 'world wide connection'. This guy was probably in his late 20's or something. "World wide connection" ? He must have been unplugged for a long time to refer to the internet as that.


On that note, I think it would be trippy as fuck to just drop out for a year or two and see how everything has changed when I'm back. I could go to jail...uhh

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Guest Billov

Technology will eclipse us all, just as my grandma could knit a jumper in half an hour and dismantle a chicken while watching countdown but could only drive down the centre of roads at 5 miles an hour, and just as my dad can explain how a clock works and what torque is but I have to set the video recorder for him, I will eventually be unable to purchase a packet of Fizz Wizz due to a disruption in my personal magnetic field blocking my credit unit from transferring funds and I will die of an electric shock trying to having a holo-wank


bleak man, bleak..



I really really hate the whole mantra that websites have adopted now. Like flash backrounds and shit, just unnecessary shit that makes the page slow down.


I only have 1gb of ram on my netbook and sites like FACT mag and shit always freeze up.


wasn't even that long ago that 1gb of ram was a big deal!!

i pity the kids of the future, constantly having to upgrade all the time.

a new phone every month. new laptop every 3 months. fuckin nuts i tell ye.



i used to know girls who never been on the internet before. or at least very very small amount of internet knowledge. it was kinda hot.


''got an email?''


''no dont use the internet, here's my number instead''








Skype is fine, MSN is a bit spotty but I'm not sure if that's due to anything other than typical MSN shittiness.


my msn doesn't work anymore and i can't install the new windows live bollocks bells 'n whistles messenger coz i'm still rockin XP. oh well.



I think its amazing Sirch hasn't figured out he can edit posts, or multiquote

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Guest sirch

Technology will eclipse us all, just as my grandma could knit a jumper in half an hour and dismantle a chicken while watching countdown but could only drive down the centre of roads at 5 miles an hour, and just as my dad can explain how a clock works and what torque is but I have to set the video recorder for him, I will eventually be unable to purchase a packet of Fizz Wizz due to a disruption in my personal magnetic field blocking my credit unit from transferring funds and I will die of an electric shock trying to having a holo-wank


bleak man, bleak..



I really really hate the whole mantra that websites have adopted now. Like flash backrounds and shit, just unnecessary shit that makes the page slow down.


I only have 1gb of ram on my netbook and sites like FACT mag and shit always freeze up.


wasn't even that long ago that 1gb of ram was a big deal!!

i pity the kids of the future, constantly having to upgrade all the time.

a new phone every month. new laptop every 3 months. fuckin nuts i tell ye.



i used to know girls who never been on the internet before. or at least very very small amount of internet knowledge. it was kinda hot.


''got an email?''


''no dont use the internet, here's my number instead''








Skype is fine, MSN is a bit spotty but I'm not sure if that's due to anything other than typical MSN shittiness.


my msn doesn't work anymore and i can't install the new windows live bollocks bells 'n whistles messenger coz i'm still rockin XP. oh well.



I think its amazing Sirch hasn't figured out he can edit posts, or multiquote


Lol. it's just the way i roll, yo...

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Guest theSun

So here is a kind of strange story that I have to tell about people dropping out of the system:


One time I was going on a random road trip north from fairbanks. We were headed toward livengood: http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safari&rls=en&q=livengood%20alaska&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wl (as you can see, there is simply nothing, nothing, nothing, for ever in alaska). My friend told me that there is this cult that lives out in the area north of Fairbanks. They've been living there for a while and they've even been having kids, like, with no social security numbers or anything. Some people 'escaped' and fled to Goldstream Valley (kind of the hippy/crusty outskirt of fairbanks) to live in a commune or something. They can all be recognized by their distinguished and numerous blue tattoos. So I saw one of them one day in the college radio station office (had some blue tattoos and looked all raggedy). He talked in a kind of uncanny way and mentioned that he'd made quiche last night, using a recipe he'd found on the 'world wide connection'. This guy was probably in his late 20's or something. "World wide connection" ? He must have been unplugged for a long time to refer to the internet as that.


On that note, I think it would be trippy as fuck to just drop out for a year or two and see how everything has changed when I'm back. I could go to jail...uhh


man wtf is it like living in the alaskan interior? i know fairbanks is pretty big but it's seriously out there

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