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Something that I don't know what it is yet


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Ye the synth is sort eurodancey.


I was more looking for pointers on drums, as mine never seem punchy enough. I think this is probably the closest Ive come to getting some real funk.

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Guest Hermann

Drums drums ...


Well I think the little clicky sounds are veeery good and you should keep that as a note of goodness,

I don´t know what to suggest for the rest of the percussion, other than to try for instance to contrast with the clicks by having a beat half the speed, or I don´t really know, I´m just saying what I´d try, in my own experimental way. I´d just try LOTS of different and weird things.

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Tone down the clicks imo, and add some variation to them, maybe use some open hh hits or something idk. I keep waiting for a standout lead line as well...very trancey, not always a bad thing, but some variation will go far i think.


-punchy drums, there are a lot of different techniques you can use. If i'm remembering this right: group and send your dry mix to a bus channel that has a compressor with fast attack and release, high ratio, and fool with the threshold level. That tends to give you "beefier" drums i believe, it defintely will make it punchier, also control the volume of that bus track, it shouldn't be too high (just use it for extra punch)... Again, look it up, as i'm going off of my jumbled stock of producing notes.


example: [individual drum hits->spectrum.analysis.->EQ->compression->group it all->/---/tiny reverb->EQ again as a whole, flush out unnecessary freq-> depending on where it stands, compress it allll again as a group]


-hope this helps, i'm not great at articulating what's in my mind very well, especially online with producing, as over a computer and with text things get sorta jumbled in the translation. if any of this sounds moronic, then lol.

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