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Silly, catchy tune


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Constructive criticism welcome. So far I've worked out that next time, I should increase the attack on the pads, the release on the noise wash, and put on far less reverb, but otherwise I'm all open to ideas of how to improve this track.



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I thought this was a nice tune. Very solid. I didn't have an problem with any of the sounds they all seem to sit pretty well together. Has a very 80s synth pop type of vibe. Perhaps you could beef up the drums and maybe throw some 80s digital drums in there that would be my general thought. Maybe add a solo part towards the end .. I dunno. I think this was good stuff anyways.

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Funny you should mention 80s digital drums, my partner prefers the LinnDrum version I made...



I'm glad the sounds sit well together, with the exception of the kick and snare it's all the same synthesiser. :D I'm really starting to appreciate what Wendy Carlos had to do, playing a note at a time. It's almost enough to put you off writing music with polyphonic chords in it.


Time to start work on the production side of things then, thanks guys!

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Really enjoyed the melodies in this, no real faults with the synths, it's an honest authentic recording and anytime I hear a bit of hiss at the start of a track it brings a smile. It's got a very upbeat vibe about it, almost reminds of that happy 'Mike and Rich' tongue in cheek style, not to say you're not serious or passionate about your music of course! ; ) I agree the beats could be a bit harder, I'd like to hear the version with the LinnDrums!!

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I liked it, especially in its progression ! My suggestion on the drums would be rather about the kick. Think it could be a little less low pitched. Well it doesn't really disturb me on the second listening. Good luck for your further work on that track anyway !


what monitoring system(s) did you use by the way ?

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Thank you! Yes, I finally bought a copy of Mike & Rich's Expert Knob Twiddlers this month, I guess the influence shows a bit, hehe. :D I'll definitely take it as a good sign, this is indeed happy, carefree music (yet still with enough care taken to multitrack all the parts and layer it up) that I intend to release under another alias, as it's so different from my usual (more serious) work. Thanks for the encouragement! ^.^


And yeah, I absolutely love about my new synthesiser that it's imperfect and has all these subtle nuances to it, so you can hear slight noise in the gaps. :D I guess I may have to change my position on the whole analogue vs. digital debate... -.-


OK, time to re-perform bits of it then actually produce it, now the composition is in place. :D Thanks everyone!

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You don't even want to know what setup I used for this, it's such a kludge! :D I've got the output of a Doepfer A-131 VCA going through an A-180 multiple to both my (now yellowed through about a decade of use and in need of replacing) Beyer Dynamic DT-331 headphones and my (also now rather old) iMac's internal line in, which I gather is a really, really bad rig. At some point I should get a breakout box so I can hear all the effects the knob tweaking has live without having to jerry rig it.


Just don't ask what happens when I turn the synth off but leave it plugged into the computer's USB socket...

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Ok !


what I was wondering was if my actual setup was too weak in the low end to output all that bass drum, or if yours was to weak to let you really control it. Anyway, I think the mix you made is pretty good and nothing's shocking at all.


Also, I was wondering what happens when you turn your synth off but leave it plugged into the computer's USB socket, but I didn't dare to ask you. Well, ... since you're talking about that, maybe all of us could benefit from a little clarification ? :cisfor:

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what I was wondering was if my actual setup was too weak in the low end to output all that bass drum, or if yours was to weak to let you really control it. Anyway, I think the mix you made is pretty good and nothing's shocking at all.


Ah, no, it's just that I hadn't EQed it yet, it was just a very rough mix. I'll work out exactly which drum instruments I'm using next, then EQ them properly, and EQ everything else, adjust all the levels... but I can't do all that right now, as I'm mostly concentrating on all these soundtracks I'm making for people instead.


Also, I was wondering what happens when you turn your synth off but leave it plugged into the computer's USB socket, but I didn't dare to ask you. Well, ... since you're talking about that, maybe all of us could benefit from a little clarification ? :cisfor:


I guess I shouldn't ask people not to ask me things... What happens is the LFO and random voltage light up, dimmed, but still actually lit up. This often confuses me into thinking the synthesiser's switched on when it isn't, on account of it having no dedicated indication of when it's on as far as I can discern. So, yeah, what happens is I spend a good minute or two trying to figure out why I can't hear anything before I finally figure out it's turned off again, in spite of everything lighting up and animating as usual. Apparently it's just how this model of USB connection is, and they all do that, not just mine, so I guess I shouldn't lose sleep over it. My point being that it's not yet the most professional setup, but it at least seems to have much more charm than my main Reason + Record setup. It just has bags of character.

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Yeah after hearing the Linn Drum version I'd just basically chime with what everyone else was saying that the drums need to be louder, beefier and more punchy. Its still good as is but I reckon that'd just polish it off nicely. If ya wanna send me a wav of it without the drums I'd be happy to add something cheesy for ya!! ;-)

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