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I don't know how to make this into a real full length song, plz help


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I am totally stuck. what should I add? what should I change? what would be a good way for me to extend it and have it not sound repetitive?


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High, airy padlike synth drifts in after a little bit, plays a sort of descending melody, wandering around a little.


Then when that melody repeats (or better yet, a variation of it), it'd be joined with a shorter, percussive melodic loop. And maybe some more atonal percussion too. And the simple bassline would evolve into a more complex little riff.


Then after you've grooved on that for a while maybe there'd be some sort of breakdown with a chord change. Kids love chord changes.

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you could try shifting the layers around a little bit so its not all of the tracks on top of eachother for the whole duration, then variations on the patterns for introduction and exit.


The most repetitive thing is the bass. I dont know the terms for it or how to write it out, but the 4th and 5th hits make it sound like the cycle was completed to me so I keep recognizing that the whole thing is one cycle and I have a reference to where it starts and ends. Play with the position of those two notes every once in a while. Take out the 5th and make the 4th land sooner and lower so theres a "hanging" or waiting sensation for the next beat. Also when you do change the rhythm around like that it opens up more opportunities to change other lines in ways that wouldnt have worked with the original bass line.

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Wow, quite a bit of detail there. I will at the very least examine all of those options.



edit: @ gritbox, yeah I agree about all of that. definitely going to add some more variation.

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I agreed with the fact the layers should be shifted because the basis of the song seems quite repetitive (nothing pejorative of course) and doing so seems like a good way to make it evolve. I was actually thinking about raising the volume of that short acid loop just as you did in the second version. Then I'd put and additional high-pitched synth with a soft sound responding to the acid melody.


btw which synth make that small acid loop ? it makes me think about Melodies From Mars.


good track and textures, you should continue trying to extend it

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I agreed with the fact the layers should be shifted because the basis of the song seems quite repetitive (nothing pejorative of course) and doing so seems like a good way to make it evolve. I was actually thinking about raising the volume of that short acid loop just as you did in the second version. Then I'd put and additional high-pitched synth with a soft sound responding to the acid melody.

Good ideas! I'll experiment about with that and see what works.


btw which synth make that small acid loop ? it makes me think about Melodies From Mars.

The synth is the "Mercury-1". It's a vst that's modelled after the SH-101. I quite like it, because like ABL2 and korg's MS-20 vst, if you add the right effects it can sound very punchy and analog. (not to say that I've done that particularly well this time)


good track and textures, you should continue trying to extend it

I have every intention of doing so :smile:



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Yeah I thought this wasn't too bad. I'm not a big fan of the snare it seems to bog down the track a bit too much and it seems to be taking up too much frequency in the mid range. I really like it at the 1min mark it going my head proper shaking lol. Its difficult 'cause the beat is very danceable but the bass line and pads are kinda slow and a bit lumbering. I think a good development would be to speed up the bassline around the 1min mark and the pads too with some sort of gated fx as that would give it way more momentum and get it really moving. One last point is I'm not a big fan of the 808 kick drum as doesn't cut through the mix and just seems to make the sub more bogged down. Hope you find my comments helpful!! :-)

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