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Leading a double life: Harry Crawford - real name Eugenia Falleni - originally of Stanmore, was arrested and charged with murdering 'his' wife after passing herself off as a man since 1899. Falleni had married Annie Birkett in 1914, but three years later, after announcing she had found out 'something amazing about Harry', she disappeared.






etc etc



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yeah we have our share of scary fuckers here


including this one guy that liked to dress up as a clown and...oh wait.

also once this guy disconnected from society to go live in a remote cabin and mail bombs to...uhh, nope.

well occasionally some of our young 'uns will get so sick of the shit they get from jocks at school that they've been known to grab whatever firearms they can get their little mitts on and...oh that's right, we outlawed them.




You guys really need to srep up your game then.

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