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Guest viscosity

off topic, but anyone round these parts work with Linux? I know it has its limitations (compatible games), but for a basic word processor/internet browsing, is it worth checking out?

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If you don't mind a little still-necessary tweaking and active management and don't need 100% MS Word macro formatting parity, Linux is great for that purpose.



Until the X11 window system crashes after a kernel update. Then you're fucked.



edit: but really, if you don't mind a little work and are willing/have the time to learn when something (rarely) goes awry, it's great.


edit 2: burn an Ubuntu live CD and try it out without installing, imo

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Guest viscosity

alright, i'm going to try it on my laptop. hopefully I don't run into any problems. Also hoping it can connect to me Uni wireless network, otherwise it would be pointless. The website says Linux can register without specific requirements (antivirus software). Is Linux safer or not in terms of vulnerability, being a less popular OS?

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I haven't played with Ubuntu for a while, but it's pretty user friendly. There might be more user-friendly distros than Ubuntu at this point; I haven't had time for this hobby for a while. Someone else should probably chip in re: linux.


The nice thing though is you can try it from a CD or thumb drive without installing. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download


Obviously, things will run much better with an installation, but you'll get an idea.


Security-wise, nothing is invulnerable, especially to social engineering attacks, but Linux has a pretty strong security model and reliability level with patches, etc.


If you install linux, I would recommend dual booting with whatever OS you're used to until you're basically an old pro. And look to community forums for help, and read as much documentation and instruction as you can, before going full-bore into it.

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Guest Al Hounos

I've been running ubuntu for a little over two years now. about a year ago i went whole-hog and stopped dual-booting with Windows 7.


You should try it, and if you do, try both the standard 'Unity' desktop environment and the GNOME desktop environment. GNOME is so elegant and intuitive, it's really a work of UI art. http://www.gnome.org/gnome-3/

It can be installed through Ubuntu Software Center. You can switch between Unity and GNOME at the login screen. Ubuntu Software Center, by the way, is one of many areas where Ubuntu is light-years ahead of Windows. So ridiculously easy to use.


I'm not a terribly computer-savvy person, and to me Ubuntu is actually EASIER to use than Windows. I even put it on my parent's home computer and they got the hang of it in no time.

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  • 10 months later...
Guest fiznuthian

I've been running ubuntu for a little over two years now. about a year ago i went whole-hog and stopped dual-booting with Windows 7.


You should try it, and if you do, try both the standard 'Unity' desktop environment and the GNOME desktop environment. GNOME is so elegant and intuitive, it's really a work of UI art. http://www.gnome.org/gnome-3/

It can be installed through Ubuntu Software Center. You can switch between Unity and GNOME at the login screen. Ubuntu Software Center, by the way, is one of many areas where Ubuntu is light-years ahead of Windows. So ridiculously easy to use.


I'm not a terribly computer-savvy person, and to me Ubuntu is actually EASIER to use than Windows. I even put it on my parent's home computer and they got the hang of it in no time.


It must be you that planted the seed in my head..

Lately been teaching myself python and messing with SQL on a virtual machine, then got to thinking.. I really came to enjoy Unbuntu (and even Unity, though Gnome is amazing I agree).. Went full monty and right now i'm sitting without windows on my machine.


For the first time ever it doesn't feel naked anymore.. My new desktop has a lot of horsepower, and right now Ubuntu running compiz full throttle is absolutely blowing me away. I fly through multiple desktops with ease tossing around rubbery windows that fade into the forest on my desktop and reappear as I click through them.. It's just fucking crazy ..


IMO, Microsoft should be scared. Little early to tell but I dont think i'm going back except for to run a couple steam games. Valve is salivating over Linux right now so that probably won't last much longer either. Cheers Hounos, Ubuntu is great!



Edit: Oh and I don't mean to sound like it's just the eye candy.. It really feels like a complete OS in every way. many of the pre-installed applications are looking very nice these days!

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