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World's Fattest Woman is Getting Married

Guest kokeboka

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i now pronounce you ham and wife.

and the award for the fucking funniest possible thing to say in this thread goes to

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Guest fiznuthian

Having suffered weight problems my entire life I cant fathom why anyone would be proud of this, posing with huge mounds of food, really? Obesity and food issues are HARD to overcome, harder than class A drugs, I just cannot understand anyone who would be happy being like this, where as I've been battling tooth and nail to overcome it she seems to be the opposite. People like her only make it harder for people like me to be accepted in the world and not labelled as lazy or greedy. What a bitch.


Yeah, it's a shame. An obese person's body will viciously defend it's fat mass unless specific dietary conditions are met and it varies from person to person. The food a person consumes has a profound effect on food behavior, the same thing you're getting at.. I agree, after battling with cuttting 100% junk out of my diet for nearly a year (until finally finding what works, thank you PUBMED and google scholar) there were so many times when I felt like a full-on junkie. The desire to eat what I forbid myself drove me absolutely insane, even when I knew the foods would almost immediately reverse everything I had done healing my body. I KNEW I shouldn't, wouldn't, couldn't, and won't eat that fucking food, but then i'd find myself in a drive through ruining myself again and again.


There's so much to this problem its ridiculous.. And I hate people who pull the "they're fat because they are lazy" card. Lethargy is induced by diet more often than not. Unfortunately what conventional medicine considers healthy for everyone, just fucking isn't. So did a fat person become fat because they made the choice or was that choice made for them when they walk in a supermarket and 90% of the food on the shelves contributes to their metabolic problem and is engineered to keep you coming back for it? Seriously, almost all processed food on the shelves destroys hypothalmic reward pathways.

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