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subradial music

Guest uphorm

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Guest uphorm

Hi everyone,


apart from creating idm-ish sounds under the name 'uphorm'

my main music project is called subradial - ambient, downtempo, experimental soundscapes,

3 subradial albums has been released so far and I am recently working on new material,


if anyone interested please check it out, I would like to know your opinions..




best regards

Tomasz / Uphorm / Subradial

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listening to the track in your sig. very high quality! lovely blend of sounds, evolving at just the right pace. I'm a fan. I'll definitely stop back to hear more of your music.

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Guest uphorm

Hi, thanks for the good words, glad you like it!

it is the brighter side of subradial, there is the darker and more experimental side too...

somehow there's always the duality, struggle between the bright and dark

I mean - in the atmosphere of music rather than being positive or negative, good or bad...


best regards!

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Guest uphorm

listening to the track in your sig. very high quality! lovely blend of sounds, evolving at just the right pace. I'm a fan. I'll definitely stop back to hear more of your music.


excellent, thanks! the soundcloud version is just 128kbps mp3, here's the track in high quality: http://www.sendspace.com/file/s137xo


Frankie5fingers - cool, glad you like it, cheers!

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Baller! Thanks man, much appreciated.



At the risk of being spammy, you might like my last track Mycelia, linked in my sig. Also dark & evolving


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Followed. dude, you have some wicked ambient tracks.




I listened yesterday and forgot to follow you and comment. Both have now been done.

The textures in some of these are spot on. The percussion, when used, is done very nice.

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Guest PeZse

I have just listened to some of your songs. I really like the depth of the sounds and the peaceful mood of them. They could be fit pretty well in some video games as a soundtrack. Keep it up! :)

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  • 2 months later...
Guest uphorm

Hi there,


If anyone could find a moment (between BoC listenings ;-) - I just uploaded a mix made of some of my unfinished tracks, would love to know your thoughts and opinions...
I am thinking of creating an album made of these and other similar tracks, probably under new moniker...




- what do you think?
- do you like any of them?

- do they fit together?

- are they worth finishing or just waste of time?


any suggestions welcomed and appreciated!


best regards to all!!!

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Hey man! These are great, and I think the idea of a mix is perfect for them. Love the track that starts around 11:40. Thanks for posting.

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Guest uphorm

Hi A/D,

thanks for listening and commenting, very glad you like it!
actually I'm going to finish each of these tracks and put them as individual tracks on album
but good they fit together well,


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  • 5 months later...


My new music project is called ' n i t e s k y ',
it's somewhere between the ambient music I record as subradial and my more rhythm-driven creations under different aliases,
synthesized sounds and processed field recordings with some vocal textures by my firend Iwona Stepnowska,
inspired by dreams, childhood memories and old photographs,
give it a listen and share if you like it,

I strongly advise to download the FLAC version for all the details and sound quality, the stream is low bitrate mp3 preview,
FLAC available for free from my soundcloud and bandcamp pages:



subradial | uphorm | nitesky | electrees

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Great! happy to hear you enjoyed it, thanx for positive feedback!

I am moving the 'nitesky' post to separate topic as it is different music project...


best regards!

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