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Save podcasting


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Not sure how big a "threat" this really is yet, but I'm avid user of various podcasts, so I would absolutely lose my shit if something like this happened:


Posting this link for anyone who may be unaware. Podcasting's entire existence is threatened by entities trying to shake down podcasters for money (and doing so in a way almost sure to leave only the Big Mainstream Media entities able to afford to pay to keep using podcasting as a content transmission medium).


More info:




I don't know if it's just like that whole SOPA thing, all over again, which didn't end up happening. But I'm so sick of everything fucking thing in this world has to be patented these days.

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it sounds too retarded to be true, podcasting is basically uploading an audio file you created to the web, after all. are they going to sue youtube (google) now ?

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Lol wow, fuck this company ("Personal Audio").



First, some background. A company called Personal Audio is claiming that it owns a patent that covers podcasting technology and has sent podcasters letters, demanding that they pay Personal Audio to use the technology. As with many patents, this one is dangerously broad and vague, allegedly covering, well, any and all podcasting. Just take a look at this language:


Apparatus for disseminating a series of episodes represented by media files via the Internet as said episodes become available…


Of course, as with most software patents, this one fails to explain how that “apparatus” would actually work, apparently letting its owner make the ridiculous claim that essentially any apparatus that disseminates episodes infringes its patent.


So far, Personal Audio has sued some pretty high-profile and beloved podcasts, like the Adam Carolla Show and HowStuffWorks. It also sent its threatening letters demanding a license to numerous podcasters, like Majority Report’s Sam Seder (we got a chance to talk to him a little about the problem on his show here).



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