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I'm still a newbe and learning but I'm just getting a small glimpse of what it could be when you really like your own stuff...
Atm I began to steal most of my sounds and slice them alot, somehow my view got changed maybe it was after I finished the last level of REZ HD btw I'll promise not to post thaat many threads in the future but plz listen to this ;)

Favorite tune made out of piano recordings


And a funny thing made out this horrible chartsong Schnappi das Krokodil


Popul Vuh

Talib Kweli break-ish

last but not least (try hard to stay experimetal)
sliced / mixed acappella or rather an audio book (in german), it's a pretty sick book I wouldn't recommend to read or hear it because it's waaaaaaaay to hardcore about a arab woman who witnessed increadible bad stuff, the mix is kinda ruff nothing melodic

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hey, these might be heavily sampled edits, but they are really good!


you shouldn't be so self-deprecating in your recording name.. good stuff here

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hey I really love you guys.
not for the props (thanks) but I really had no time to read comments atm and I wanted to post this (*,cking irony)
listen to hit... I never expected something like that so I'm shoked, it's not special but it's sick

thanks raw djoerk and crown.
No special breaks or nasty beat progression yet but I'm working. I'm trying to do more straight "acceptable" sound now but it's still part of learning.

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Made this out of turkish music yesterday, it's pretty funny, if someone would play this live I'd be pretty fascinated haha


this beat-ish track from last week (working on it')

and these too taken from Caoutchou Records - Rubber Beats vol III
make sure you check out rubber beats :D http://caoutchou.bandcamp.com/ it's all free and they use vintage gear and stuff from bruessels!

made out of chiptunes and whatnot.




Sad part of the story - I didn't use any VST for about a month :D

have a nice sunday
never forget to care for you fam yo

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i really like the 1st track alot, it's quite hypnotic and has an eerie atmosphere, everything fits together, cool stuff !
haha, that schnappi song (yeah, definitely annoying X) ) was quite interesting, i like this "okay" later on alot and i'd like a lush beat on it, too, but thats just my humble opinion ;)
the 3rd "track" is quite experimental, but i really like it when people try to experiment, i experiment also alot and develop often new ideas and ways to work due to this process.

keep up the good work dude :)


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