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A Little Help With YouTube Shenanigans, Please?


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I uploaded a video to YouTube and, having used an Aphex track in it, naturally it was flagged up as 'matched third party content'.




All well and good...I did the usual 'acknowledge' then 'dispute' procedure', i.e. claiming it was a fair use of the material as it was purely for entertainment purposes and I (of course) wasn't allowing ads etc., i.e., I'm not making any money from it (nor would I ever try to).


However, it seems Warp / Merlin have come back with "Dispute rejected, claim has been reinstated", and I've no idea why. The video can still be viewed on YouTube but not on mobile devices...which is annoying as loads of folk view things that way these days.


Having searched the web for a solution, I get a lot of different answers. Rather randomly in cases such as this, some users will get a button which says "I want to appeal a reinstated claim', but in this case I haven't got that 'luxury'. Unless...


Searching further, there is an 'Enable' option whereby I give YouTube/Google my mobile number in order to 'verify' my account and then I may be able to re-appeal the re-dispute (it doesn't state this, but that's what I'm inferring from it). If I go through that rigmarole and I 'win', then the video will be viewable on mobile devices...if not, and I 'lose (I'm already losing, lol), then the video will be deleted and I'll have a Copyright Strike against my account. FFS.


Another option would be to delete the video and re-upload and go through the initial Content ID thing again, with no guarantee they'll 're-instate the dispute'...and I'm back to square one.


So, yeah, what a faff.


Anyone on WATMM have experience of this at all? Any solutions to hand?


(And, in lieu of some responses...aye, I do have a Vimeo account, heh )




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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

Have they given you an up front take down notice? Was going to say just be clear about what the vid is and your intentions/say what the music is and where to buy it etc but you've already done that. I wouldn't have clicked 'dispute' if I were you - that may be the issue? I think if you click 'acknowledge' all that'll happen is a day or so later a 'buy now' link will be added to the vid. It's probably different for every individual case though, and that's why there's so many different answers strewn about the internets. Nice vid btw!

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You're not going to win the dispute.


I would keep it as is. You don't have a copyright strike and your video is available. Might become available on mobile in the future.

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OK so i just got a reply from Warp and this is what they said...




Hi Charlotte,


I was forwarded your request about the fan videos. We do encourage them as long as we are able to claim them with our system for royalties to our artists. Your video may be initially blocked as it's an automated process but we're happy to keep an eye out to let it go live. There should be no risk, from us, of having your youtube account blocked or suspended as long as your YouTube account is in good standing from other videos.
If your upload is automatically blocked or you run into problems with it please reply-all to this email and we'll be sure to sort it out.

-Grant Bussinger

Digital Marketing Manager
Warp Records
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Have they given you an up front take down notice? Was going to say just be clear about what the vid is and your intentions/say what the music is and where to buy it etc but you've already done that. I wouldn't have clicked 'dispute' if I were you - that may be the issue? I think if you click 'acknowledge' all that'll happen is a day or so later a 'buy now' link will be added to the vid. It's probably different for every individual case though, and that's why there's so many different answers strewn about the internets. Nice vid btw!


No, but the initial upload meant my BoC, Jon Hopkins & Aphex vids were blocked...to 'unblock' them I had to acknowledge, then dispute them.

That all worked, until recently when Warp (or more likely Merlin) reinstated the claim. And cheers!


You're not going to win the dispute.


I would keep it as is. You don't have a copyright strike and your video is available. Might become available on mobile in the future.


Aye, that's what I reckoned...



OK so i just got a reply from Warp and this is what they said...




Hi Charlotte,


I was forwarded your request about the fan videos. We do encourage them as long as we are able to claim them with our system for royalties to our artists. Your video may be initially blocked as it's an automated process but we're happy to keep an eye out to let it go live. There should be no risk, from us, of having your youtube account blocked or suspended as long as your YouTube account is in good standing from other videos.
If your upload is automatically blocked or you run into problems with it please reply-all to this email and we'll be sure to sort it out.

-Grant Bussinger

Digital Marketing Manager
Warp Records



Interesting, thanks for posting that.


Cheers WATMM, some food for thought. And what I've learned is YouTube is one shape-shifting bawbag.


At least my videos are up though...for now.


*uploads to Vimeo as backup*

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