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Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest Frankie

ya i just cant wait till these Main gates are done with. oblivion (the realm not the game) is pretty boring.

it seems that the gates are pertty hard until you reach lvl 35 or something.

maybe easier for me cause im 100 in restoration and alteration tho.

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Guest Frankie

spellcasting is actually quite awesome. albeit i do most of my fighting with a blade i use Destruction magic quite a bit as well as Alteration shields.


Magic specialization alone is kinda different than normal fighting cause you have to constantly be casting different spells to shield yourself first and kill and restore hitpoints, and you have to maintain a bit of distance from the enemy kinda like an archer.

that's why i prefer a battlemage type char. blade and magic


magic outside of fighting is really wicked tho. you can charm people, or incite them to start fighting you, steal easier, walk on water, infinite breating underwater, move objects without being near them.

very wicked stuff. kinda a whole different dimension to the game

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Guest M83J01P97

It's one of the best RPG's in a long time, and Bethesda have done a great job with the Radiant AI, I'd like to see this kind of thing in all future RPG's.


Can't wait for the expansion packs that will be coming out.

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ya i just cant wait till these Main gates are done with. oblivion (the realm not the game) is pretty boring.

it seems that the gates are pertty hard until you reach lvl 35 or something.

maybe easier for me cause im 100 in restoration and alteration tho.


nah.... spoiler about the main quest:


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once you finish the mainquest, the portals will close.. all of them... the main quest is pretty short, +-20 hrs... i did the main quest at lvl25 because i couldn't be bothered earlier on, and it was pretty hard because i got attacked by huge motherfuckers instead of the little gimps that you have to fight with if you do the quest at lvl5 or something, like most people do... that's one of the disadvantages of oblivion's scaling difficulty... ie, enemies level up as soon as you level up, so that its always challenging... which is a pretty shitty system imo because nothing is too hard to handle anymore...
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Morrowind's main quest was far, far better.


ya this one was crap :grin:


99% of the quests were crap btw (except for the dark brotherhood quests) :grin:


but its a great game to fuck around in when you're wasted... like the original GTA1 (plus ofcourse all the sequels but the original had the magick yknow :grin: ) back in the day... classic messed-up anarchistic shit for playing pissed/stoned.. you should NEVER take this game seriously IN ANY WAY (no offense to all you hardcore dungeons n dragons gimps)!!!

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Right as I'm writing this my character is sitting inside a shop waiting to catch some stinking thieves. Man, some of those Fighters Guild missions suck!


For some weird reason all the Imperial guards go crazy as soon as I talk to them because they think I've done something illegal, but I haven't. Does anyone know what to do to make them calm down?


EDIT: ANd now I was just killed by the thieves... damnit!

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Guest brachiosaur

Have you checked your bounty? I've taken the wrong horse several times, this will give you a bounty. I've also accidentally pickpocketed someone, and even though I didn't steal anything from them I still got a bounty.


By the way, those thieves had some nice weapons on them when I killed them, but the loot is probably level dependant, as is most things in the game it seems.

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squee, when you talk to a guard while carrying stolen shit, they'll bust you. so get rid of it, or just pay the fine, LAWBREAKER ('SHOULDVE PAID THE FINE' :grin: ). fighters guild guild suck indeed... dark brotherhood are the best ones imo.. thieves guild had some great quests too...

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Guest pantsonmyhead
What is this? Some sort of role playing game where you dress up and run at each other in the park with plastic swords and speak Klingon?



somebody find me where they play this game

it sounds fun

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Have you checked your bounty? I've taken the wrong horse several times, this will give you a bounty. I've also accidentally pickpocketed someone, and even though I didn't steal anything from them I still got a bounty.


By the way, those thieves had some nice weapons on them when I killed them, but the loot is probably level dependant, as is most things in the game it seems.


That might be it...

I just killed them but forgot all about their weapons as I was too eager to run to the owner of the store and tell him the good news.



Iep, I haven't stolen anything throughout the game... as far as I remember. Is there any way to get rid of the bounty?

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Guest blicero

the one failing of this game, is that the dificulty of the missions is proportional to your level.


so if you're having trouble beating one part of the gane, and you go try to level up your skills for a while and come back to try again, that part of the game will just get harder to match your level,

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Guest taxman
Iep, I haven't stolen anything throughout the game... as far as I remember. Is there any way to get rid of the bounty?

just find a guard and pay it, or if you're in the theives guild you can pay one of the leader people half price instead.

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Guest brachiosaur
the one failing of this game, is that the dificulty of the missions is proportional to your level.


so if you're having trouble beating one part of the gane, and you go try to level up your skills for a while and come back to try again, that part of the game will just get harder to match your level,


You can download a mod to fix that too

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Iep, I haven't stolen anything throughout the game... as far as I remember. Is there any way to get rid of the bounty?

just find a guard and pay it, or if you're in the theives guild you can pay one of the leader people half price instead.


Don't I lose all my things if I do so?

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Guest Sleep Ophelia

My character is only like level 15 right now, but he's my second character.


My original character got to level 15 before the game became really difficult. I know there's a difficulty slider and everything but I didn't want to have to make the game easier. So instead I started with a new character, one that was focused on combat (since my stealth/archer character didn't work too well later on). But unfortunately I made all my major skills ones that I used a lot (including armorer and ones that don't actually help you in combat) so now I'm getting my ass kicked again. Mostly by those fucking Will O' the Wisps. It sucks that there are no efficient ways to raise your health, especially when fighting one mountain lion can leave you drained and it takes so long for your magicka to replenish.


My opinion right now is that I love the graphics and the detail of everything, and I like the fact that there are tons of dungeons and that they're mostly larger than the ones in Morrowind. But I really loved the world of Morrowind, with the different cultures and factions, and the way each part of the island looked so much different. I liked the story and main quest better in Morrowind as well. I hated the combat system, and the cliff racers, but other than that I loved it. It had a certain magic that Oblivion seems to lack, as great as it is.


So... while I think Oblivion is a really great game, it's no Morrowind. Perhaps it was my inexperience with RPG's at the time that made experiencing Morrowind so much greater, but it made such an impact on me that I don't think any game will ever match. I also got kind of burned out on playing video games a while back, so that might have something to do with it.

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Guest taxman

Iep, I haven't stolen anything throughout the game... as far as I remember. Is there any way to get rid of the bounty?

just find a guard and pay it, or if you're in the theives guild you can pay one of the leader people half price instead.


Don't I lose all my things if I do so?

only if they are stolen

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Guest lands end road

fuck, I really want to play this after seeing it today, but will I be able to play it smoothly with fairly high graphic settings with a AMD athlon 64 3200+ 2.0ghz, 512 MB RAM and a radeon 9600? What are you guys running it with?

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to everyone having performance problems with this game:


turn off the grass! (set the grass-drawdistance slider to a minimum or set the grass density AND distance to zero in the .cfg file)


next thing to try is switching from HDR to bloom..


(i dont play this game anymore, kinda got bored with it, but it was wicked while it lasted)

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