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An Ode to Eleanor Rykener (ambient piece)


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It's a four minute ambient piece. It consists of a 17 chord progression in C mixlydian considering an f major scale (I, VI, IV, V, II, V, I, IV, V, VII, IV, V, II, III, VII, IIIdim, II). I'm not sure if it'll be your thing, but I'm happy with it.


Listen to An Ode To Eleanor Rykener by williamsanford #np on #SoundCloud

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Really beautiful. Maybe make the main chord synth a bit higher in the mix if possible.

I'm not sure about that ending melody that comes in at 3.40, doesn't fit in. I'd just let the keep on fading out.


What did you use to make it?

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Thanks man. It's a just a microKorg XL multitracked in logic pro. Someone else mentioned the warning siren not fitting. They suggested to either allude to it earlier in the track with a bit of foreshadowing or remove it.

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Really cool made. I do not have any advice. I like all the instruments, they fit well togheter, maybe a bit of advice is to include a light drum piece?

It doesnt have to start from the beginning but after a while it would be cool if it kicked in

not a big drum set, but something minimal.

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