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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Fair enough - what's your top 5 out of curiosity?
  2. Found a pretty cool NES-inspired bluetooth controller for your retro gaming needs - works on iOS/Android, PC and Mac: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00XHM7TMK/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=2PBRJ4WIKCI3U&coliid=I28A8Z96UWVTYP The BoingBoing Store (where I got wind of it) has it cheaper right now as well: https://store.boingboing.net/sales/nes30-pro-bluetooth-game-controller
  3. Odd - The unnamed Zelda game for Wii U is available for preorder, but Twilight Princess HD with the figure is not...
  4. What makes a hurricane gay? Spins counterclockwise?
  5. Over the holidays my wife turned me into a streaming binge watcher (we cut the cable cord years ago and haven't looked back) - I normally don't watch much TV, and follow series even less, but here's what we are currently indulging in: Marco Polo (done) Daredevil (waiting for series 2 on 18 March) The Flash (waiting for series 2 to come to Netflix) Arrow (currently going through series 2) TED talks (so fascinating - some of the talks are really interesting) Hannibal - I cannot believe they cancelled this series after three seasons - so. goddamn. good. I read the books by Thomas Harris back in the late 80's when they came out, and was a fan of the movies, but goddamn, they nailed the books with this show. Mads Mikkelson playing Hannibal Lecter is perfect, and I prefer his Hannibal over Anthony Hopkins' portrayal, which is saying something.
  6. It means I am in love with this cat's face, and Richard can't be arsed to restore his SoundCloud, so I'd rather LOL at the cat every time I reload the main page
  7. I was really surprised it is that expensive - Sony better take this as an opportunity to introduce Playstation VR at 350-400 max (they said it would cost as much as a console) and undercut this shit - it's the only way VR has a chance of survival, and by survival, I mean a passing fad for about a year max before nobody wants to wear a oversized sleeping mask playing games. I could be wrong, but I see VR going down the motion control path (funny too, since Playstation VR uses PS Move controllers) where it's a passing fad - about a year of interest, a few games (but no AAA games) that utilize it, and then fade away. And 750 quid in the UK! fucking Fuckerberg Apparently old Farcebook had little to do with the price, except that Oculus was able to afford better tech in the device (due to the Farcebook investment), and thus the price increased.
  8. I was really surprised it is that expensive - Sony better take this as an opportunity to introduce Playstation VR at 350-400 max (they said it would cost as much as a console) and undercut this shit - it's the only way VR has a chance of survival, and by survival, I mean a passing fad for about a year max before nobody wants to wear a oversized sleeping mask playing games. I could be wrong, but I see VR going down the motion control path (funny too, since Playstation VR uses PS Move controllers) where it's a passing fad - about a year of interest, a few games (but no AAA games) that utilize it, and then fade away. And 750 quid in the UK!
  9. Nintendo doesn't have the best track record when it comes to naming hardware since the Wii... They should have named it the 3DS Plus or similar, instead of "new" - new becomes irrelevant after about a month. Apple made the same mistake with the iPad 3 aka "the new iPad" Sort of off-topic - Apple should really drop the "i" business in their product names (they might be starting to, considering the WATCH and TV broke that trend). Just call it PHONE (S, PLUS) and PAD, PAD PRO, and PAD MINI.
  10. I thought by enabling the Download button on almost all those tracks that he WANTED all his fans to have their own copy? You would think... he might have changed his mind after realizing some of these tracks may be worthy of release after all...
  11. I think a Chromecast would work - if your PC is a laptop with an HDMI out, why not just get a HDMI cable of sufficient length?
  12. Actually kinda relieved that was false - it would have probably made me even more sad about SEGA's fall from grace... RE: HD remakes - I dunno - Nintendo seems to have steered away from that for the most part, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess notwithstanding... I've been saying this for years now, but all Nintendo has to do is release a Pokemon MMO game for consoles - keep the graphics cute and retro (or at least X&Y quality), and watch the cash roll in.
  13. I believe the 70s-80s Engines are powered by a ton of Double AA batteries, but maybe the new ones are LiOn? Joyrex do you know? You guys are seriously making me consider buying a set for next Xmas. If they made a Moon train or Star Wars train, the argument in my mind would be over, lol Yep, 3 C batteries. That is one of the problems with the LEGO trains; they've changed how they run over the years, so if you have sets from different eras, you have to retrofit them.
  14. And if you needed any more convincing:
  15. I was so jealous of what Europe had LEGO-wise - I had a friend from Germany who brought over a LEGO catalogue, and I would stare at it for hours:
  16. I got it along with these:
  17. No, LEGO trains - I mean, look at this awesomeness: This was my first LEGO train set:
  18. Or... should I ask permission to host the files for download here at WATMM? I've always avoided this as it is Richard's music and he decides what is and isn't available, etc., but it would be easier for the fans who missed out on the previous tracks. Doesn't marking a thread "answered" pin it to the top of every sub-page in a thread? That would be another way. That would be even better actually! We tried the "answered" method a few times in this thread but for some reason it seems to disappear after a few pages / weeks. Not sure why! I like MEGA for this AFX Aventur because it is so easy to update as track descriptions and artwork change. Plus, people can sort on time stamp and grab only what is changed or new (as opposed to downloading a massive ZIP/RAR just to grab a few stragglers). I've been maintaining this archive for WATMM-ites since the beginning, no plans to let it fall into disrepair (unless RDJ requests). https://mega.nz/#F!HMcAgABI!TXaiAlHSGTno2ki_TuoJPQ I'm sure I am not alone in saying we really appreciate you keeping this up-to-date - we've never gotten any requests to remove any download links for this, so either they are not aware, or Richard doesn't mind at this point.
  19. OK, no promises but I'll see if Richard will respond...
  20. That's one of the more popular rumours going about... I wouldn't count on the NX being backwards-compatible (at first, or ever) - unless Nintendo stubbornly sticks to non-standard architecture for their CPU/system (and is Wii U compatible/capable), I think what will happen is they will jump on the "standard PC architecture" bandwagon like Microsoft and Sony have so third-party developers will be able to embrace the NX, unlike the Wii U. Add to the fact there will probably be an awkward period where the Wii U and NX will share the spotlight (possibly for some time depending on how long Nintendo keeps the Wii U going post-NX launch), the last thing they would do is cannibalize their Wii U market with backwards compatibility on the NX. Nintendo has a good thing going with their eShop and Virtual Console games; I hope they continue this with the NX (although buying the same games over and over is getting a bit tiring). Nintendo should go a subscription route for a "all you can play" for the Virtual Console, but do it better than Sony has with Playstation Now. There's also a rumour going around that SEGA might get back into the hardware game with a new console, but supposedly it's like a Steam Machine where it's a bog-standard PC in all respects. I bet if true it's probably a glorified emulator that will run past SEGA games. Really sad, as SEGA was once king of hardware, easily besting Nintendo in that space.
  21. Those are amazing - I always have had a LEGO train fetish, and those tank cars are spot on! Thanks. My original design was to build a black tank car for flammables, the ones that usually carry crude or ethanol or gasoline, but apparently the large curved bricks which form the main body of the tank are very rare in black. I had a hard enough time finding enough in white. The Maresk shipping containers are spot-on as well! I'm really trying not to dig out my LEGOs and start building again... I have little free time as it is.
  22. Or... should I ask permission to host the files for download here at WATMM? I've always avoided this as it is Richard's music and he decides what is and isn't available, etc., but it would be easier for the fans who missed out on the previous tracks. Doesn't marking a thread "answered" pin it to the top of every sub-page in a thread? That would be another way.
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