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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. FLAME ON!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Joyrex


      Tickle Me (with flames) Elmo

    3. ambermonk


      Aw crap I'm late. It's like Black Friday 1996 all over again!

    4. delet...


      lol @ JR flames thingoe.

  2. Not to derail the thread, but: http://www.tofugu.com/2015/10/08/okonomiyaki-osaka-soul-food-at-its-finest/
  3. Has anyone seen Duck Game? Watched a guy on Twitch play it last night - hilarious stuff! http://store.steampowered.com/app/312530/
  4. the new movies were good man, i liked them...bit of chris pine and that other guy. excellent. they were ok as bog standard sci fi action movies, they were shit as star trek films though. Dunno what universe you live in, but in mine, ALL the original Star Trek movies were shit, and the most recent two are miles better than any of the previous ones - IMO, of course. It will be interesting to see what this new series does - reboot, something totally new, or an omage. They say it won't be connected to the current films, so I suspect no Enterprise (or at least a contemporary version of it), no Kirk, Spock, etc. BTW, still, highly impressed with this fan effort: http://www.startrekcontinues.com/ Up to FIVE episodes now! http://www.startrekcontinues.com/episodes.html
  5. There's a weekly challenge where you play as the Lost with 9 lives...
  6. Joyrex


    I have heard patience is it's own reward...
  7. r u SERIOUS? man. i would happily take 60fps over 30fps for single player. i honestly doubt i would notice the decrease in resolution. unless steady 60fps for the single player wasn't achievable because of all the crazy shit that happens in the big environments, so they decided to stick with a steady 30fps, ... and doing so meant they had the opportunity to crank the resolution to 1080p. Wonder if it's a stylistic choice too - 60fps for an all action multiplayer competitive thingy, and 30fps to be closer to a cinematic 24fps experience. I would reckon so - the Uncharted games have always had an Indiana Jones-style flair to them and their characters...
  8. r u SERIOUS? man. i would happily take 60fps over 30fps for single player. i honestly doubt i would notice the decrease in resolution. unless steady 60fps for the single player wasn't achievable because of all the crazy shit that happens in the big environments, so they decided to stick with a steady 30fps, ... and doing so meant they had the opportunity to crank the resolution to 1080p. i'm sure it'll look fantastic.. come think of it. uncharted/naughty dog games have always felt like they have been pushing the boundaries of what they can do with the console to the limit. Consider what happens in this demo, I can totally see why they chose to lock it in at 30:
  9. Honestly, multiplayer stuff is getting old for me - I'm starting to go back into my solo gaming old man shell. Street Fighter V might pull me out again though... Funny how the single-player is 1080P/30, but multiplayer is 900P/60.
  10. I like the new song - I wouldn't say that's top 40 schlock at all.
  11. Realized I never went back and beat Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD, so I am back to playing that, determined to finish it. So good. The cel shading really benefits from the HD. I wish Nintendo would remake Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks into Wii U games using this engine.
  12. 9 is hard but I had gotten to the point where I could beat the whole game in 2 hours without dying. I can't do that now, considering that I haven't played it in a few years. 10 is much harder than 9, in my opinion. What would you say about 10 that's harder? That antigrav section in the Wily Castle in 9... FUCK THAT.
  13. Finished Megaman Legacy Collection (not the challenges, fuck that) - now gonna build a Raspberry Pi RetroPie console and start going through 7-8. Might fire up the PS3 and try and tackle 9 and 10 (9 is sooo damn hard). Something is driving me to do this.
  14. I'm not sure how to feel about this - on one hand, great, but the other - PUT THE GODDAMNED RESOURCES INTO ZELDA WII U FFS GIRKJLKJ:LKASJFLKFJ:LK
  15. Yee... Battlefront is amazing. DICE did an amazing job. Can't wait for the full game!
  16. Because the Pro Controller doesn't highlight the gamepad, which was the focus of the Wii U.
  17. Try red potato salad (made with small red potatoes, skins left on
  18. Perhaps he pulled them as he wasn't happy with the encoding quality?
  19. Super Meat Boy (PS4) is pretty fun - I can see how this game resulted in broken controllers/keyboards... so far, up to the second world boss and it's starting to get challenging. Star Wars Battlefront open beta tomorrow - Star Wars might be just the thing to get me interested in FPSes again...
  20. Wow, that looks pretty cool! It really is! And I believe it's on Wii U too... Wait, it's available now?
  21. Zelda Pirate Ship stage from Smash and Mario Maker levels out for SSMB Wii U today!
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