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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. haha yeah I might be spreading myself a bit thin at the moment are you going to try Alex when he drops? nah. really like mika as the closest approximation of a sf equivalent of king (over the top professional wrestler persona that has a giant swing). wouldn't want to bother with another grappler but i keep toying with the idea of messing around with chun. i like the headstomps and instant air lightning legs. oh and a fireball, invincible reversal and an overhead (all things mika lacks) Why not new character Alex? He was a grappler in SF3, wasn't he?
  2. Even though the 'leaks' are fake, I'd expect that your worries will still come to pass. Yeah, sadly that will probably be the case. Even though the photos are fake it has long been rumored that the NX will marry both their handheld and console market. So I don't think it's far off thinking that the controller for the console will also turn out to be a handheld console. I wouldn't mind that - as long as they go with standard PC hardware so third-party support can at least port their games and add in NX-enhanced features. The Wii U would have done a lot better had they not gone with the underpowered hardware and non-standard CPU architecture.
  3. Thank god - I was worried Nintendo was still going for Isolationist Gimmick Controller No. 3™...
  4. the app makes offline copies of stuff, wouldn't be too far fetched to think it's your local copy Joyrex ;) Ah, explains it. App crashed after I tried to go from the song to his user page, LOL.
  5. Apparently Sony's working on a "PlayStation 4K": http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2016-in-theory-playstation-4k-is-real-but-why-is-sony-making-it I wonder if this will be the new console trend - incremental upgrades versus entirely new architectures ala iPhones...
  6. Ah, dammit - old age and failing memory strikes again! I can almost guarantee mine was not this good quality though (at least from what I can remember ). Because you've been listening to a new one hosted on some new site, correct? I wouldn't have a clue as to what you could possibly be referring to...
  7. Throwing the majority of US citizens who looked Asian into camps sounds far from practical in more ways than one. It was very practical because they didn't have to individually control each of 120 000 people. If I am not mistaken, Asians are doing well in USA today and Japan is doing well too. Or was there a significant negative impact for the USA after the camps? I mean, the whole point of a document like the US Constitution is to protect Human Rights/Civil Liberties from abuses made in the name of expedience. As for the legacy of the camps, the Japanese are a tiny slice of the Asian-American population, so it's hard to say how their internment in particular affected the AA community overall (there are ~18 Million Asian-Americans and ~750,000 Japanese-Americans). The worst impact of the camps is probably the precedent they set for the War on Terror, honestly. Whatever the lasting effects were, American citizens lost their homes, jobs, businesses and lives because of the internment program. The Japanese were an easy target because there were so few of them; Italians and Germans (arguably a bigger threat) were never subject to anything of this sort. Italians a threat? No. A completely different mentality from Japanese at that time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internment_of_German_Americans Much lower numbers but still. Re: Italians - Italian-American fascists were definitely less prominent than German American ones, but they were still present here. Would it not have been practical to treat them as the Japanese were treated? Re: The Japanese - You are talking about Japanese-Americans as if they had been subject to a lifetime of propaganda and conditioning in Imperial Japan. These people were shop owners and farmers in the Southwest. Re: German internment - Almost all of the Germans detained were German-born though, and many of them relocated had been subject to investigation beforehand. I don't approve of detaining anyone on ethnic/racial grounds, but that's entirely different from detaining people born here because their parents or grandparents were born in Japan. Those numbers also argue in favor of the camps being fundamentally racist (or the US intelligence being fundamentally incompetent), since the most successful acts of espionage carried out in this country were committed by Germans. Yet only 1/10 as many Germans were detained. Interesting, relevant points. I would guess that American society of that day expected Japanese to be a bigger threat than Italians (which is said to be confirmed in the government documents) and Germans. Another reason why they decided to intern Italians and Germans selectively was that they were living in much bigger numbers in USA and it would be very difficult to intern them all (while risking the non-interned part of their communities would react aggressively in a reaction for the internment of their mates, maybe?). I also agree racism (and therefore fear) could play a significant part in the decision making. I still think it was a safe decision made by the government though. It was the mindset at that time. I cannot blame them for deciding like that. Japanese were hardly friendly to Americans too. It was from both sides (Japanese in Japan, not American Japanese). Where have you read that Japanese Americans (Japanese living here in the States, and the ones put in those camps) were "hardly friendly"? Quite the opposite I have read. It's no better than Trump saying we should deport all the Muslims and not prevent any refugees from entering.
  8. Ah, dammit - old age and failing memory strikes again! I can almost guarantee mine was not this good quality though (at least from what I can remember ).
  9. Already out of stock! Soo glad I hung onto my Move controllers and bought the PS4 camera at launch (was included as an Amazon bundle). I wonder how much it was selling for - usually the Move controllers are 40x2, 60 for the camera, 400 for the VR, so just shy of 600USD?
  10. Funny, on the iOS SoundCloud app, "Harmonicrom" still plays just fine...
  11. Playing Galak-Z and Salt and Sanctuary. Galak-Z is really nice and fun, especially if you grew up with Star Blazers/Voltron/Macross in the 80's.
  12. Holy shit that is nice and clear!
  13. Is that really him? It looks a bit off... Uncanny Vally-like I bet it really is him... I bet sometimes he just wants to go sit in a mall food court and eat mall food, just like any other normal person. #billionaireFWP
  14. Can't say I am a fan of it either; it's the only thing holding me back from getting it. But, as with Galak-Z, I was able to look past the art style and enjoy the game itself, so there's something in that. Hated Rogue Legacy's artwork at first too. By the way, what kind of fightstick do you use? I'm using an old SFIV MadCatz one, been looking at getting a HORI RAP KAI to replace it... And to stop having to use a DS4 to sync my "legacy controller"... i ended up getting this: http://store.madcatz.com/categories/fightsticks-category/Street-Fighter-5-Arcade-FightStick-Tournament-Edition-S-for-PS4-PS3.html to replace this guy it's basically the exact same layout with a ps3/ps4 pcb and a more cluttered turbo interface with l3+r3 buttons and touchpad nonsense. honestly not a huge fan of the skull artwrok but whateva. i might pull it off and wrap it in black vinyl when i have more time. it's $50 more than the hraps but i've never played with any of their proprietary sticks and buttons and just wanted to stick with sanwa and a formfactor i'm familiar with. it's a decent weight and feels rock solid. but yeah, it's really nice to not have your fucking stick de-sync in the middle of a ranked match :) oh, and btw, last week madcatz released xinput drivers for all their sfv branded ps3/ps4 stuff so they'll work on pc now too. sfv on pc doesn't support dinput so at first i couldn't use the same stick to play sfv on ps4 and pc -_- at least it's fixed now of course i still feel fucking ripped off for having to buy a $200 stick that has the exact same primary functions and connections. i haven't once used the touchpad, l3, or r3 buttons Bruh, should've just bought one of these. What do the sliders do? Do they control the throw on the buttons? The sliders are for turbo or auto fire on each button - so you can either hold down a button for rapid fire, or just not hold it at all (good for shmups) in auto mode.
  15. I think the PS4 would be a better investment as it would probably last longer than a car you got for 250 quid...
  16. Can't say I am a fan of it either; it's the only thing holding me back from getting it. But, as with Galak-Z, I was able to look past the art style and enjoy the game itself, so there's something in that. Hated Rogue Legacy's artwork at first too. By the way, what kind of fightstick do you use? I'm using an old SFIV MadCatz one, been looking at getting a HORI RAP KAI to replace it... And to stop having to use a DS4 to sync my "legacy controller"...
  17. Playing Twilight Princess HD on Hero Mode - fuck me, really hard in some spots (Hero Mode gives you NO heart refills except for heart container pieces). Nice HD remake though. Salt and Sanctuary is out today on PSN - everyone's saying it's THE game to play until Dark Souls 3 comes out...
  18. That waiting in line to use a laptop tho (the Division)
  19. If anything, I bet Wii U console sales have increased last quarter with relatively lower prices and really good must-have games (Smash, Maker, Splatoon, Kart, Mario 3D). I bet as we get closer to the NX unveiling, either the console will go on deep discount and people will start snatching them up. Others will wait until they know for sure if it is backwards compatible (unlikely) with the Wii U. Then again, with multiple consoles being the "in" thing these days, perhaps they'll say why not own both? I highly doubt it - for Nintendo to attract the third parties, they have to make the hardware as PC-like as possible - even emulating a Wii on a current PC takes quite a bit of CPU and graphics card muscle, so I don't think they could manage just yet. Depends on how powerful of a machine Nintendo makes. For comparison, most say the XBONE/PS4 are equivalent to 2008-9 era PC hardware - so in 2016, I would expect roughly 2010-12 era PC hardware for the NX, depending on how powerful (or not) they want to make it. One thing for sure - it will have an NFC reader built in (either in the controller or the console itself) for Amiibo/Amiibo cards - Nintendo's not gonna kill that cash cow anytime soon. I really hope Nintendo goes all-digital for their games - don't make the same mistake Sony did with the Vita and do a proprietary memory card format (or release disc-based games), and keep it standard SD so people can buy whatever size SD card they want to supplement the existing onboard storage (that was one thing they got right with the Wii U), or offer external HDD support.
  20. There's a Bloodborne-meets-metroidvania game called Salt and Sanctuary coming to PS4 in April:
  21. Apparently, the motion controls are mandatory and can't be switched off. This game seems DOA to me, even for Wii U owners. No way I would put money down on another 1st party Wii U game, knowing most games will be ported or reissued on NX. That's a pretty big assumption, no? I don't see Smash 4 being ported, let alone a smaller title like this. I think Zelda will be the only one (if that turns out to be true) just because of when it comes out versus the NX supposed release date of this Christmas. If the rumours of the NX being more PC-like aka the XBONE and PS4 and possibly not having a second screen in the controller, porting games like this would be expensive and possibly not worth the costs versus releasing a sequel or "NX-enhanced" version with NX-specific features. Raiden V for XBONE is now available in Japan, and being region-free, can be imported. It is said it will come out domestically, and is an XBONE exclusive (for how long though)?
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