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Posts posted by zkom

  1. 5 minutes ago, zero said:

    my son lost his first tooth yesterday, so last night was the tooth fairy. I was googling tooth fairy as I was interested to find out where this concept came from, and came across

    WTF Greece? throw your teeth on the roof and what, just leave them up there? 

    Some squirrel, bird or rat is going to eventually collect them I would guess?

    I've been to places that have animals bones lying around in the town area, things like dog skulls or whatever. It's a weird vibe.


  2. I had a dream that I was listening to a radio or TV in the background and there was a special bulletin that a nuclear explosion has happened in Finland and the cause is not yet known. Then I looked out my window and could see the mushroom cloud of the explosion in the distance. My first thought was just "the 2020 just keeps getting worse" and then I ducked behind my bed to shield myself from any radiation.

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  3. 28 minutes ago, zero said:

    yeah we really need to think about re-naming some of the days of the week. wednesday, thursday.. I mean these were all named after norse gods and we know those mf's were out there raping and pillaging. how about the month of August? named after Augustus, and we know those roman dudes had a shit load of slaves. RACIST!


  4. 1 minute ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

    My brain is 0% economist.  What does being in debt even mean in terms of a nation?  Who are they in debt to?  Clearly it doesn't matter, because they're able to just keep spending spending spending.  The whole debt thing seems like a fiction to me.

    Money and debt are basically fiction and created at will by the governments and banks, but it gets so fucking complicated it does my head in. Particularly now that most of money is just numbers in computers. I've been meaning to read up on macroeconomics but I have to gather up the mental strength first before trying that.

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  5. Apparently I could travel to Estonia now and finish my dental care there. I go to a dentist in Tallinn because it's like half the price of Helsinki. But maybe I'll just wait a couple of more weeks to see how things develop..

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