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Posts posted by zkom

  1. 6 minutes ago, Brisbot said:

    Yeah us introverts are just like "eh socializing is great but we can just do it after the pandemic is over, I don't see the big deal"

    The whole situation reminds me a lot of my early student days when, particularly during summers, I had nothing to do because I didn't have any money to travel anywhere or go out to bars or restaurants and everybody else seemed to be on some vacation. Just play games, read books, take a walk. Drink a bit of alcohol, go philosophical with big questions. Get so bored that it somehow turns into creativity.

    Sometimes having time off from your daily life can bring on some new discoveries. Back in 1665 Newton had to go into a kind of isolation because the Great Plague shut down the Trinity college and while doing private studies at his home he came up with the theories on calculus, optics and the law of gravitation.

    • Like 1
  2. A summit on 6G technology was held completely virtually with 400 people attending due to covid-19. Hopefully this becomes more normal in the future in the tech industry. So much of the business travel is completely unnecessary and the meetings could be easily held virtually. #EndBusinessTravel2020

    • Like 4
  3. 2 minutes ago, hijexx said:

    Israel has unit 8200 and has one of the most advanced signals intelligence capabilities on the planet. A cell phone is basically a radio beacon with a GPS that people willingly carry around on their person at all times. Child's play to track.

    The cellphone network knows your approximate location all the time the phone is in the network even without GPS functionality. This is basically because the network needs to know into which network cell to forward your data and calls. It doesn't matter if you have foreign or native SIM or whatever. If you are just connected to the network then the location is known.

    • Like 1
  4. Wondering now what I would have done if this virus had struck a year earlier when I was traveling homeless around Africa, Middle-East, Caucasus and Asia.. I guess I would have tried to find a place that is cheap to live and grants long term visas easily or don't have visa requirements for EU citizens and where I can remain indefinitely, like the French overseas territories. And then just basically waited. But yeah.. maybe I should make sure that anytime I go traveling like that I have enough money to last a few months if I get stuck somewhere for a longer time.

    I probs should check on my friend who escaped the virus from Japan to French Polynesia..

    • Like 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, Zeffolia said:
    4 hours ago, Entorwellian said:

    All the twitter tweets for the armoured cars keep getting deleted. I'm really hoping its a fake news filter thing.

    wait wtf? explain?

    Well, the social media sites are finally acting socially responsibly and clamping down hard on disinformation on the covid, so..

    Russia's disinformation campaign on the subject has been going on for some days also.

  6. 5 hours ago, pcock said:

    Did anyone else know that swine flu infected an estimated 20 percent of the world population? I barely even remember thinking about it

    I 'member. I was traveling in Vietnam and China at the time of the epidemic and almost got quarantined on the mainland China - Hong Kong border with my then girlfriend because she had high fever. First time I had to wear a surgical mask also. There were body temperature measurements on airports and major railway stations starting from the gate when I boarded the flight from Amsterdam to Beijing.

    When they start to open the borders again I bet there's going to be body temperature checks even in Europe and US for a loooong time.

  7. Belarusian president is telling citizens to drink vodka daily to keep the virus away: https://charter97.org/en/news/2020/3/17/369665/

    "Wash your hands more often, have breakfast, lunch and dinner in time. I am a person who is not a drinker, but lately I have been jokingly saying that vodka should not only be used for washing hands, but probably for taking 40-50 grams per day in terms of pure alcohol to poison this virus. But not at work."

    • Thanks 1
    • Facepalm 1
  8. So far no big problems with self-isolation. Remote work during day and go for walks or running at least once a day then play Zelda on Switch and watch Netflix and Youtube during evenings. Local supermarkets are pretty well stocked and I have anyway enough food in the apartment to last a few days. The social isolation is not good psychologically but I've been without face-to-face social contacts for months before so I can handle it.

    Personally not really that worried about much at the moment and I have to stay in Finland mostly anyway until end of July probably, but I'm going fucking pissed if the border lockdowns continue past August. But that's still 4.5 months away.. How 2020 is shaping up to be I wouldn't be surprised even if aliens invaded the Earth next.


    • Like 4
  9. Re: pollution etc, there are quite a lot good things happening due to this pandemic also, which makes me feel somehow better about it. Especially if comparing this to 9/11 when it was that I knew everything is going to be worse from now on. When I saw the planes hit the towers the first thing that came to my mind was "there's going to be a war and a lot of people are going to die".

    • Like 1
  10. Yeah, it might be that the EU comes out stronger after this, but hard to predict. Big changes are going to happen worldwide anyway. Paradigm shifts in many areas: economics, healthcare, travel, technology, politics..

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, goDel said:
    1 hour ago, Enthusiast said:

    Well the UK gov decided not to listen to the advice of the ECDC and WHO and went with  their own projections. But these are based on a flawed model using the characteristics of viral pneumonia. They have just realised that this approach will overwhelm their health system 7-8 times over because viral pneumonia does not put as many people in the ICU as Covid-19. 

    You'd expect those kinds of mistakes from the Brexit country, of course! ;D

    The pandemic combined with Brexit and BoJo refusing to delay the Brexit process.. RIP UK

  12. If this starts to take months or even a year I think at some point the politicians will just say fuck it and lift the lockdowns and let the epidemic run its course. At some point that's going to be the cheaper option.

  13. Just now, goDel said:


    @zkomour supermarkets are already cashier-free. just scan your products and throw some digital money into a machine. that's it.


    Yeah, maybe a half of them are hear also, but I can't be arsed to walk the extra 500m.

    • Haha 1
  14. So things getting locked down in Finland. Borders closing for non-residents. Gatherings of more than 10 people banned. Schools, libraries, museums closing. Basically all 70+ years old told to self-quarantine and visits to nursing homes banned.

    Renewed my Netflix subscription after a few months of break. Thinking about finally buying a Nintendo Switch.

    There's gonna be a fuckton of bedroom studio albums released after a few weeks of this, lemme tell ya.

    • Like 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, caze said:

    society might need them to get medical attention though, to stop the spread of the virus. if you have flu symptoms then calling on the phone, or at the very least checking the health service website (the NHS has a symptoms questionnaire up for example), isn't a big deal.

    This seems to be pretty country specific thing. In Finland they just recommend that if you have non-serious flu-like symptoms and are not in a risk group then just self-isolate and don't call the hotlines, they're too busy anyway.

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